OHMG is a web application that facilitates public participation in the process of georeferencing and mosaicking historical maps. This is a standalone project that requires an external instance of Titiler to serve the mosaicked layers. See Dependencies below for more about the tech stack.
At present, the system is structured around the Sanborn Map Collection at the Library of Congress (loc.gov/collections/sanborn-maps). More generic ingestion methods are in the works.
- Implementation: oldinsurancemaps.net
- Documentation: about.oldinsurancemaps.net
Please don't hesitate to open a ticket if you have trouble with the site, find a bug, or have suggestions otherwise.
This is a Django project, with a frontend built (mostly) with Svelte, using OpenLayers for all map interfaces. OpenStreetMap and Mapbox are the basemap sources.
- Django Ninja - API
- Django Newsletter - Newsletter (optional feature)
- Postgres/PostGIS
- Celery + RabbitMQ
- GDAL >= 3.5
- TiTiler
Running the application requires a number of components to be installed and configured properly.
Install Postgres/PostGIS as you like. Once running, create a database like this
psql -U postgres -c "CREATE DATABASE oldinsurancemaps WITH OWNER ohmg;"
psql -U postgres -d oldinsurancemaps -c "CREATE EXTENSION PostGIS;"
See also ./scripts/create_database.sh
. You can run this script once you have updated the DATABASE_*
variables in .env
Make virtual env
python3 -m venv env
source env/bin/activate
Install GDAL bindings. These must match exactly the version of GDAL you have on your system, so use this command:
pip install gdal=="`gdal-config --version`.*"
Clone the repo and enter the local directory
git clone https://github.com/ohmg-dev/OldInsuranceMaps && cd OldInsuranceMaps
Install the package into your virtual environment
pip install -e .[dev]
Install pre-commit hook
pre-commit install
Copy example environment variables file, and update this file as needed (more instruction each )
cp .env.example .env
Initialize database, create admin user
python manage.py migrate
python manage.py createsuperuser
Load all the place objects to create geography scaffolding
python manage.py place import-all
The frontend uses a suite of independently built svelte components.
cd ohmg/frontend/svelte
pnpm install
pnpm run dev
You can now run
python manage.py runserver
and view the site at http://localhost:8000
However, few more components will need to be set up independently before the app will be fully functional. Complete the following sections and then rerun the dev server so that any new .env
values will be properly aqcuired.
In development, RabbitMQ can be run via Docker like so:
docker run --name rabbitmq --hostname my-rabbit \
-p 5672:5672 \
-p 15672:15672 \
--rm \
For convenience, this command is in the following script:
source ./scripts/rabbit_dev.sh
Once RabbitMQ is running, update .env
credentials you used above when creating the container.
Now you are ready to run Celery in development with:
source ./scripts/celery_dev.sh
TiTiler can also be run via Docker, using a slightly modified version of the official container (it is only modified to include the WMS endpoint extension):
docker run --name titiler \
-p 8008:8000 \
-e PORT=8000 \
--rm \
-it \
Or the same command is wrapped in:
source ./scripts/titiler_dev.sh
This will start a container running TiTiler and expose it to localhost:8008
Make sure you have TITILER_HOST=http://localhost:8008
in .env
During development, a separate HTTP server must be used to supply Titiler with COG endpoints, because the Django dev server does not serve HTTP range requests (more on this here and here). The easiest workaround is to use node's http-server.
From within the repository root (alongside the uploaded
directory) run:
npx http-server .
All COGs will now be accessible at http://localhost:8080/uploaded/
Make sure you have MEDIA_HOST=http://localhost:8080
in .env
is a prefix that will be prepended to any uploaded media paths that are passed to TiTiler.
In production, you will already be using a webserver for static files so you will not need to use http-server
. In this case, remove MEDIA_HOST
from .env
or set it to ''
All tests are stored in ohmg/tests. Make sure you have installed dev requirements, then run:
python manage.py test
To skip the tests that make external calls to the LOC API, use the following command. Keep in mind that coverage numbers will be lower when you skip tests.
python manage.py test --exclude-tag=loc