Releases: odpi/bigtop
ODPi v2.0.1 refresh
ODPi v2.0.0 release
Release Notes - ODPi - Version Spec 2.0
- [ODPI-119] - Add Apache Hive to ODPi specification
- [ODPI-163] - Fix build/packaging issues
- [ODPI-164] - Build initial Operations spec
- [ODPI-5] - Integrate Ambari packaging into Bigtop
- [ODPI-168] - Turn HCFS installation doc into a section for the Runtime spec on HCFS/HDFS
- [ODPI-169] - Migrate HCFS/Ambari integration section to an appropriate spec
- [ODPI-171] - Does ODPi-certified mean HCFS compatible?
- [ODPI-172] - Spec out CLI for HCFS
- [ODPI-173] - Add Hive 1.2 to ODPi reference implementation
- [ODPI-174] - Provide a summary of the services covered in the Runtime SPEC
- [ODPI-175] - Need a section documenting properties in the stack definition
- [ODPI-176] - Provide an ISV app focus around Kerberos support
- [ODPI-177] - Document service-level inheritance/extension
- [ODPI-178] - Add a recommendation of one service per service definition file
- [ODPI-193] - Add Hive 1.2 to ODPi ambari reference implementation
- [ODPI-200] - Modify to include required parameters for hive runtime tests
- [ODPI-148] - Revisit layout
- [ODPI-156] - Review current HCFS spec
- [ODPI-157] - Make spec additions for HCFS
- [ODPI-161] - Build spec for Hive
- [ODPI-162] - Write tests for Hive
- [ODPI-165] - Write initial spec
- [ODPI-179] - Distill Ambari wiki into an immutable ISV-focused spec we can refer to
- [ODPI-180] - Test [HIVE_SQL]
- [ODPI-181] - Test [HIVE_JDBC]
- [ODPI-182] - Test [HIVE_CLI]
- [ODPI-183] - Test [HIVE_BEELINE]
- [ODPI-184] - Test [HIVE_THRIFT]
- [ODPI-185] - Test [HIVE_HCATALOG]
- [ODPI-198] - Integrate Hive tests with ODPi reference build and Jenkins
New Feature
- [ODPI-197] - Enable Kerberos in ODPi Ambari
- [ODPI-105] - Revisit [ODPI_JRE]
- [ODPI-106] - Revisit [ODPi_SCRIPT]
- [ODPI-130] - Gradle version issue
- [ODPI-139] - Zookeeper build failing
- [ODPI-141] - java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.hadoop.log.metrics.EventCounter
- [ODPI-143] - Failed to replace a bad datanode on the existing pipeline due to no more good datanodes being
- [ODPI-144] - Extra INFO logging is in test output
- [ODPI-186] - ODPi reference implementation Ambari deployment fails for YARN
- [ODPI-187] - ODPi reference implementation Ambari deployment fails for extra services
- [ODPI-188] - Clean up terminology in Runtime Spec
- [ODPI-194] - Fix typo in runtime spec
- [ODPI-199] - Hive Server needs to be provisioned by Bigtop so we can test it
ODPi v1.0.1 release
Release Notes - ODPi - Version Spec 1.0.1
- [ODPI-121] - Instructions for spec validation for distros are incomplete
- [ODPI-120] - HADOOP_JARCONTENT_COMMON, HADOOP_JARCONTENT_HDFS, and HADOOP_JARCONTENT_YARN have too restrictive of a regular expression when checking for some jars
- [ODPI-122] - HADOOP_DISTRUCT_MAPRED is too restrictive on joda-time
- [ODPI-127] - Vagrant config file for VM cannot find yum repo
- [ODPI-128] - Installation of hadoop inside reference build fails
- [ODPI-129] - create-sandboxes script assumes user has no other vms active on the machine
- [ODPI-131] - Reference build fails HADOOP_BINCONTENT_COMMON test
- [ODPI-140] - warning: non-varargs call of varargs method with inexact argument type for last parameter
- [ODPI-142] - HADOOP_MAPRED_HOME not set in
- [ODPI-145] - Directory structure tests are too restrictive on trailing content
ODPi v1.0.0 release
Release Notes - ODPi - Version Spec 1.0
** Epic
* [ODPI-1] - A use case articulated by DataTorrent to define the APPS log4j appender
* [ODPI-23] - User level requirements for a reference implementation for ODPi Runtime spec
* [ODPI-24] - Adopt a testing framework and build out initial tests
* [ODPI-27] - Make it clear on how people can get involved and contribute to the ODPi spec, testing framework, and reference implementation, as well as the larger technical discussion
* [ODPI-80] - Finalize enablement of applicable tests from Bigtop testsuite
** Improvement
* [ODPI-109] - Make sure our test execution environment reports back on TEST_ENVIRONMENT tags
** Task
* [ODPI-28] - Add README file to odpi/spec repo
* [ODPI-30] - Write iTest tests for validating ODPi v1 spec compliance
* [ODPI-31] - Create output report of jUnit test results
* [ODPI-32] - Develop the proposal process for new projects/additions to an ODPi spec
* [ODPI-76] - dockerhub account is needed to host ODPi images
* [ODPI-88] - Add repo and process for Hadoop distro to submit ODPi compliance test results
* [ODPI-98] - Publish distro artifacts and compliance suite to the public repo
* [ODPI-104] - Remove outdated assets from
** New Feature
* [ODPI-6] - Build slaves need to support docker containers
* [ODPI-26] - Added appendix with internal Hadoop config values
** Bug
* [ODPI-13] - "Build configuration changes" link is misconfigured on jenkins master
* [ODPI-14] - Default user domain in CI master SMTP configuration is incorrect
* [ODPI-15] - Jenkins base URL seems to be misconfigured
* [ODPI-16] - Attempt to delete a job workspace brings AccessDenied error
* [ODPI-22] - Create Softlayer ODPi VPN user
* [ODPI-84] - el6 yum repo data has invalid checksums
* [ODPI-91] - ZK build and package are broken by ODPI-10
* [ODPI-92] - run_itest script does not know where bigtop-detect-javahome lives
* [ODPI-93] - vagrant config for VMs needs to point to ODPI resources
* [ODPI-94] - HADOOP_DIRSTRUCT* tests are not uniquely named
* [ODPI-96] - Remove "enabled by default" from the HADOOP_COMPRESSION specification
* [ODPI-97] - HADOOP_GETCONF test should be using the hdfs command from users's $PATH
* [ODPI-101] - Ensure license compliance for v1 release
* [ODPI-102] - Remove VM and Vagrant images from
* [ODPI-103] - should URL rewrite to
* [ODPI-108] - a file introduced in ODPI-10 is failing RAT check
* [ODPI-110] - Test HADOOP_GETCONF assumes cluster user is 'hadoop'
* [ODPI-111] - Adjust [HADOOP_PLATVER] to allow _ to prefix vendor string
* [ODPI-112] - Remove log file check for [HADOOP_PLATVER]
* [ODPI-114] - HADOOP_GETCONF should not rely on specific user names
* [ODPI-115] - HADOOP_DISTRUCT_* need to allow for wildcards
* [ODPI-116] - Distribution includes both 1.7 and 1.8 commons-beanutils
* [ODPI-118] - ODPI-111 introduces incorrect regex, breaks test compilation
** Sub-task
* [ODPI-3] - Define and publish versioning schema for ODPi reference implementation artifacts
* [ODPI-4] - Deploy Bigtop-based CI pipeline to ODPi Jenkins
* [ODPI-7] - Define and start managing ODPi specific branches in GitHub mirrors of Apache repos
* [ODPI-8] - Existing Bigtop toolchain needs to be downgraded to meet Ambari reqs
* [ODPI-9] - Hadoop RPM build is broken with GH based sources
* [ODPI-10] - Publish distro artifacts to Nexus (jars) and webserver (rpm's/deb's)
* [ODPI-11] - Automatic distro deployment and smoke testing is needed
* [ODPI-12] - Distro build needs to use local ODPi Nexus to speed up the build
* [ODPI-17] - Installing reprepro & createrepo tools on all build slaves
* [ODPI-18] - ODPi repos should be used for smoking deployment
* [ODPI-19] - Release name for debian repo should be called 'odpi'
* [ODPI-20] - Docker slaves need to have vagrant installed
* [ODPI-21] - Linux artifacts should be signed before publishing
* [ODPI-25] - Add SSH keys to the slaves
* [ODPI-33] - Jenkins GPG key has email in it
* [ODPI-34] - Test [HADOOP_COMMIT]
* [ODPI-35] - Test [HADOOP_CNATIVE1]
* [ODPI-36] - Test [HADOOP_CNATIVE2]
* [ODPI-37] - Test [HADOOP_HNATIVE1]
* [ODPI-38] - Test [HADOOP_YNATIVE1]
* [ODPI-39] - Test [HADOOP_MNATIVE1]
* [ODPI-40] - Test [HADOOP_MNATIVE2]
* [ODPI-41] - Test [HADOOP_EJH1]
* [ODPI-42] - Test [HADOOP_EC1]
* [ODPI-43] - Test [HADOOP_EC2]
* [ODPI-44] - Test [HADOOP_EC3]
* [ODPI-45] - Test [HADOOP_EC4]
* [ODPI-46] - Test [HADOOP_EC5]
* [ODPI-47] - Test [HADOOP_EH1]
* [ODPI-48] - Test [HADOOP_EH2]
* [ODPI-49] - Test [HADOOP_EH3]
* [ODPI-50] - Test [HADOOP_EY1]
* [ODPI-51] - Test [HADOOP_EY2]
* [ODPI-52] - Test [HADOOP_EY3]
* [ODPI-53] - Test [HADOOP_EM1]
* [ODPI-54] - Test [HADOOP_EM2]
* [ODPI-55] - Test [HADOOP_EM3]
* [ODPI-57] - Test [HADOOP_ENVVAR]
* [ODPI-58] - Test [HADOOP_EJH2]
* [ODPI-59] - Test [HADOOP_EJH2]
* [ODPI-60] - Test [HADOOP_TOOLS]
* [ODPI-62] - Test [HADOOP_BIGTOP]
* [ODPI-71] - Spec out MVP for the reference implementation/sandbox
* [ODPI-72] - Build out VM for sandbox/reference implementation
* [ODPI-73] - Build out Docker container for sandbox/reference implementation
* [ODPI-74] - Build out Vagrant image for sandbox/reference implementation
* [ODPI-75] - Write guidelines for creating tests
* [ODPI-77] - Enable HDFS tests from the Bigtop test suite
* [ODPI-78] - Enable HCFS tests from the Bigtop test suite
* [ODPI-79] - Enable YARN tests from the Bigtop test suite
* [ODPI-81] - Document update-flow for odpi-specific branches.
* [ODPI-82] - Smoke tests are ran as root in a container; cleaning is problematic
* [ODPI-86] - Test [ODPi_JRE]
* [ODPI-87] - Capture details on Hadoop system under test
* [ODPI-89] - Test [ODPi_SCRIPT]
* [ODPI-90] - CI build triggering should only be available for auth'ed users
* [ODPI-99] - Propagate jenkins user and add slave to the new bare-HW host
* [ODPI-100] - Sandbox images should be created and published by CI
* [ODPI-107] - spec-tests resources should be excluded from RAT check