SDDP v0.4.0
Closed issues:
- Decision-Hazard variables (#238)
- Add a callback to modify data over the iterations (#416)
- Use integer forward pass (#431)
- Documentation feedback (#432)
- Document how to access individual subproblems (#435)
- Add better documentation on relatively complete recourse (#436)
- Historical Simulation - BoundsError (#440)
- Integer variables when constructing a PolicyGraph (#441)
- Fix $ escaping in documentation (#442)
- Objective state with state-dependent Ω (#444)
- Fix docs of historical sampling scheme (#446)
- Installation issue (#451)
Merged pull requests:
- Fix dollar escaping in docs (#447) (@odow)
- [docs] add relatively complete recourse section (#448) (@odow)
- [breaking] Large refactoring of stochastic integer programs (#449) (@odow)
- [docs] fix documentation of Historical sampling scheme (#450) (@odow)
- Rename ConicDuality and relax_integrality (#453) (@odow)