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Brysen Ackx edited this page Jul 27, 2017 · 1 revision

Fun Fact Module

displays a "fun fact"

properties type
text string

Image Module

displays a image with a line of text

properties type
text string
resources string[ ] (with the strings being the imagepaths, only supports one image)

Image Quiz Module

display a placeholder image with 3 selectable images underneath. This is done by ImageThumbnail. These images can be chosen and will be filled in into the placeholder. It has a piece of text as guidance too.

The answering of this is handled by the handleChange method. handleChange assigns the clicked image to the answer variable.

properties type
text string
resources string[ ] (with the strings being the imagepaths)
answer int (index of the clicked on image)
correction int (index of the right image)

Map Module

Isn't used.

displays a Map with pinnable location markers on it. handleChange is again used to process the answer and sync with firebase.

properties type
markers Object:marker{lat: "", lng: ""}

Quiz Module

displays a quiz, with a question and possible answers.

properties type
text string (some accompanying text)
resources string[ ] (with the strings being the imagepaths, only one image)
answer int (index of the clicked answer)
correction int (index of the right answer)
correctMessage string, the text displayed when the right answer is picked
question text
options string[ ] (the possible answers)

Textblock Module

displays a image with a line of text

properties type
text string
resources string[ ] (with the strings being the imagepaths, only supports one image)

Yes this is the same as Image Module, my bad

Video Module

displays a video

properties type
resources string[ ] (with the strings being the videopath, only supports one video)

Youtube Module

displays a Youtube video

properties type
resources string[ ] (with the strings being the youtube urls, only supports one video)
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