PowerShell based parser for HaveIBeenPwned.com JSON reports.
Feed it a JSON Domain Report from "Have I Been Pwned", pretty simple. This requires signing up for domain monitoring through Have I Been Pwned. This can be done at the following link.
The following variables in the script should be tailored to the environment to ensure that the email function works correctly:
- $EmailT = "[email protected]"
- $EmailF = "Security Team[email protected]"
- $EmailSub = "Security Action: Breach Reporting"
- $EmailSvr = "smtp.company.org"
- $SecurityTeamName = "Security Team"
- $CompanyName = "My Company"
Use the following command to start the process.
New-HaveIBeenPwndParse.ps1 -JSONURL "link here"
Main menu has 3 basic options.
- Serach for a specific breach data.
- Search for specific paste data.
- Search for one or more uaers in the breach/paste data.
All options will check AD if the user is a valid account based on email to AD filtering. It will then check the breach data date to see if the AD account may be in danger of password guessing.
Each report option will allow for multiple output formats:
- Display on screen (shown below).
- Export a CSV to desktop
- Email report. Includes minor verbiage and CSV attached
- Also includes the default distro in the script config but will allow for other targets as well.