This is a small SwiftLog API compatible library that implements colors to make it easier for finding specific logs in the XCode console.
It is an implementation of a LogHandler
as defined by the Swift Server Working Group logging API.
as a dependency in your Package.swift.
Then, during your application startup, do:
import Logging
import SwiftLogConsoleColors
// Initialize the logger
ColorStreamLogHandler.standardOutput(label: label, logIconType: .cool)
Elsewhere in your application, when you need to log, do:
// Create a logger (or re-use one you already have)
let logger = Logger(label: "MyApp")
// Log!"Hello World!")
The output will look like this if passing in .cool
2021-05-09T16:13:30-0500 🐛 debug thingsAboveAdmin : Testing log levels..
2021-05-09T16:13:30-0500 ℹ️ info thingsAboveAdmin : Testing log levels..
2021-05-09T16:13:30-0500 📖 notice thingsAboveAdmin : Testing log levels..
2021-05-09T16:13:30-0500 ⚠️ warning thingsAboveAdmin : Testing log levels..
2021-05-09T16:13:30-0500 ⚡ error thingsAboveAdmin : Testing log levels..
2021-05-09T16:13:30-0500 🔥 critical thingsAboveAdmin : Testing log levels..
The output will look like this if passing in .rainbow
2021-05-09T16:17:07-0500 🟪 debug thingsAboveAdmin : Testing log levels..
2021-05-09T16:17:07-0500 🟦 info thingsAboveAdmin : Testing log levels..
2021-05-09T16:17:07-0500 🟩 notice thingsAboveAdmin : Testing log levels..
2021-05-09T16:17:07-0500 🟨 warning thingsAboveAdmin : Testing log levels..
2021-05-09T16:17:07-0500 🟧 error thingsAboveAdmin : Testing log levels..
2021-05-09T16:17:07-0500 🟥 critical thingsAboveAdmin : Testing log levels..