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cbeckett edited this page Dec 3, 2012 · 44 revisions

##Project Overview

  • Team: CMPUT301F12T10
  • Current Phase: Part 4
  • Members: Christopher Beckett (cbeckett), Nick Klose (klose), Tyler Schneider (teschnei)

Requirements Specification

Use Cases

Test Cases

User Interface Mock-Ups

Object Oriented Analysis

Class Diagram

Class Diagram

Project Part 5 (By January 1, 2012)

User Stories

  • As a user who defines a task I want to receive the results of users fulfilling a task.
  • As a user, I want to share tasks.
  • As a user I should be able to get tasks from other users somehow.
  • As a user fulfilling a task I should be able to send the fulfilled report back to the task writing user somehow.
  • As a user browsing tasks, I want to manage my favorites.
  • As a user I want to see the popularity of a task (votes/likes).

Use Cases

  • Add audio task item
  • Synchronize tasks
  • Task completed notification
  • View shared tasks
  • Favorites Managing
  • Task Popularity

After Part 5

  • Extensions, such as auto-synchronization.

##Refactoring Please click hereto see the refactoring documentation.


The following is a list of special terminology used within the scope of this project.

  • Task: A request for something, such as a textual description, image, or audio file.
  • Task item: An attempted fulfilment of a task. Creators can either accept a task item as-is or re-submit their task.
  • Local task: A task which is stored only on the personal device and has not been pushed to the server.
  • Shared task: A task which has been pushed to the server and is viewable by others.
  • Creator: A user who is creating, maintaining, or confirming/rejecting task requests.
  • Contributor: A user who is fulfilling the tasks (by adding task items) of creators.
  • CrowdSourcer: The web service used to store shared tasks.

Information Sources


See for the license.

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