Unofficial Go module for API client.
The official API documentation, upon which this Go module has been built, can be found here.
In order to use this Go module you must create an account with and generate API secret and retrieve your User ID. See the official docs here.
Get the module
go get ./...
Run tests:
go test -v ./...
There are a few code samples available in the examples directory so please do have a look. They could give you some idea about how to use this Go module.
Before you attempt to run the samples you must set a couple of environment variables These are automatically read by the client when it gets created; you can override them in your own code.
: API secret keyPLAYHT_USER_ID
: Play.HT User ID
There is a Nix flake file vailable which lets you work on the Go module using nix.
Just run the following command and you are in the business:
nix develop
There are two ways to create audio/speech from the text using the API:
- Job: audio generation is done in async; when you create a job you can monitor its progress via SSE
- Stream: a real-time audio stream available immediately as soon as the stream has been created via the API
The API also allows you to clone a voice using a small sample of limited size. See the docs.
the proto code was generated by running protoc --go_out=. --go_opt=paths=source_relative --go-grpc_out=. --go-grpc_opt=paths=source_relative proto/api.proto
- Lease refresh for gRPC streaming