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TableInfo: subject_granularity.tsv

Amanda Charbonneau edited this page Feb 27, 2021 · 1 revision
id name description
cfde_subject_granularity:0 single organism One organism
cfde_subject_granularity:1 symbiont system A mixed system of consisting of two or more organisms (symbionts) in symbiosis (living colocated in time and space): one such symbiont may optionally be identified as a host
cfde_subject_granularity:2 host-pathogen system A special case of a symbiont system consisting of one symbiont, designated as a host, plus one or more other symbionts acting to create or sustain disease within the host organism
cfde_subject_granularity:3 microbiome A symbiont system consisting of a collection of (potentially unknown or partially characterized) taxa, where the environment in which the system resides is well-characterized, but the taxonomic composition of the system may be unknown; optionally contains one symbiont specially identified as a host
cfde_subject_granularity:4 cell line A cell line derived from one or more species or strains
cfde_subject_granularity:5 synthetic A synthetic biological entity
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