Papagei is a python module that proposes an implementation for verbose logging. Python has options to do verbose logging, error warning and error handling and so on. However, multiple packages are often implied and implementing the desired messages might require multiple lines of code. Papagei is an attempt to make a module that allows to do verbose logging in a simple way without importing multiple packages imports and with a minimal number of lines of code for each call. Despite being fairly simple, papagei has the downside of being more rigid. It is good for simple cases and debug. For more complex error handling or message formatting you might want to get back to python built in functions and packages. The project is works on python3 and due to its simplicity, it should work in python2 as well however this has not been tested and a proper functioning is not guaranteed in Python2. Papagei is now uploaded on pip and can be downloaded using:
pip install --upgrade papagei-niederha
pip3 install --upgrade papagei-niederha
Depending on which version of pip is linked to python3.
There are three major components in papagei:
- VerboseLevel(Enum) (class)
- VERBOSE (object of type VerboseLevel)
- The display functions
In this implementation papagei has 6 verbose levels:
- SILENT: Nothing will be displayed no errors will be raised no warnings will be returned.
- ERROR: Only
are displayed. errors are raised as usual. - WARNINGS: Errors behave as usual, and warnings and mock_warnings as well.
- INFO: All messages from the previous levels plus the info messages.
- DEBUG: All messages from the previous levels plus the debug messages.
- FRIVOLOUS: All messages from the previous levels plus the frivolity messages.
The verbose level can be set using the VERBOSE variable and the VerboseLevel enum. For example:
VERBOSE = VerboseLevel.INFO
NOTE: Due to its simple implementation the verbose level in papagei only works on the functions
form the papagei packages. In other words putting papagei.VERBOSE to silent will not silence errors raised outside of
the papagei package, won't implement any warning filter to cancel out warnings from outside of the papapgei module and
won't obliterate any print()
done outside of the papagei module.
All functions are link to a specific debug level. Two functions are available for the ERROR
level and the WARNING
One uses the actual python warnings and error the other one (preceded by "mock_") only print a message in the console
without interrupting the run of the program.
: (Level: ERROR) Formats the args into a string and uses it to raise an error.mock_error(*args)
: (Level: ERROR) Formats the args into a string and prints them in an error-like format.log_warning(*args, **kwargs)
: (Level: WARNING) Formats the args into a string and uses it to generate a warning. The warning type can be changed by passing a Waring class through the key-word 'type'. The warning is displayed and the warning object is returned by the function.mock_warning(*args)
: (Level: WARNING) Formats the args into a string and displays it into a warning-like format.log_info(*args)
: (Level: INFO) Formats the args into a string and displays it into a specific info-format.log_debug(*args)
: (Level: DEBUG) Formats the args into a string and displays it into a specific debug-format.log_frivolity(*args)
: (Level: FRIVOLOUS) Formats the args into a string and displays it into a specific frivolity-format.
from papagei import papagei as ppg
ppg.VERBOSE = ppg.VerboseLevel.DEBUG
ppg.debug('This is example', 1) # This message will show
ppg.frivolity('This is example', 2) # This won't show
NOTE: The import statement has a slight redundancy in it. This should be fixed later.
Even if it is not possible to add classes from outside of the package, the source code was made in a way that should make the adding, removing, moving or reformatting class easy.
The formatting of a class is done through the text_format dictionary. The value of the dictionary is added before each string of the corresponding level to format it. Chang the value in this dictionary to change the formats. Same goes for the text_header dictionary which displays a header at the beginning of a message.
To move a class in the hierarchy all that has to be done it to change its position in the VerboseLevel(Enum)
This enum is auto-numbered so moving it will adapt the value of the item and the checks in every functions will be
adapted. To add an item the corresponding VerboseLevel should be added in the enum. Then the text_format
and text_header
dictionaries should be updated. Finally a dedicated function for the new level can be written on the model debug,
info or frivolity, using _format_string_from_tuple(string_tuple)
to format *args into a single string. Same process can
be followed in reverse to remove a class.