v2.2.0 - Romarin Curie
Highlights 🌟
This release adds FluteMLE for any MAGeCK MLE output as a visualisation and quality control.
The users can now define their contrasts through a list which leads to MAGeCK MLE and BAGEL2 to be automatically run. Venn Diagrams also show the intersection between MAGeCK MLE and BAGEL2 when both tools are run.
For the targeted analysis, several bugs have been fixed such as cutadapt on mixed paired- and single- end reads.
Added ➕
- Template update to 2.11.1 (#105)
- Added a csv input option for crisprcleanr (#105)
- Added a contrasts parameter so the pipeline automatically creates design matrices and MAGeCK MLE (#109)
- Added bowtie2 and three prime and five prime adapter trimming (#103 and #123)
- Added
for MLE data #126 - Template update to 2.13.1 (#124)
- Metromap added in the docs (#128)
- Added MAGeCK count table in the multiqc (#131)
- Added additional plots to Tower output (#130)