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added uniform age ranges to the set of expressions currycarbo can handle
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nevrome committed Nov 19, 2023
1 parent c5fc9fe commit 5d8d603
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Showing 5 changed files with 80 additions and 3 deletions.
8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions src/Currycarbon/CLI/RunCalibrate.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -110,6 +110,14 @@ replaceEmptyNames = zipWith (replaceName . show) ([1..] :: [Integer])
if name == "unknownSampleName"
then UnCalDate $ UncalC14 i x y
else UnCalDate $ UncalC14 name x y
replaceName i (WindowBP (TimeWindowBP name start stop)) =
if name == "unknownSampleName"
then WindowBP $ TimeWindowBP i start stop
else WindowBP $ TimeWindowBP name start stop
replaceName i (WindowBCAD (TimeWindowBCAD name start stop)) =
if name == "unknownSampleName"
then WindowBCAD $ TimeWindowBCAD i start stop
else WindowBCAD $ TimeWindowBCAD name start stop
replaceName i (CalDate (CalPDF name x y)) =
if name == "unknownSampleName"
then CalDate $ CalPDF i x y
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5 changes: 4 additions & 1 deletion src/Currycarbon/Calibration/Utils.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -63,7 +63,10 @@ makeBCADCalCurve :: CalCurveBP -> CalCurveBCAD
makeBCADCalCurve (CalCurveBP cals uncals sigmas) = CalCurveBCAD (vectorBPToBCAD cals) (vectorBPToBCAD uncals) sigmas

vectorBPToBCAD :: VU.Vector YearBP -> VU.Vector YearBCAD
vectorBPToBCAD = (\x -> -(fromIntegral x) + 1950)
vectorBPToBCAD = bp2BCAD

bp2BCAD :: YearBP -> YearBCAD
bp2BCAD x = -(fromIntegral x) + 1950

interpolateCalCurve :: CalCurveBP -> CalCurveBP
interpolateCalCurve (CalCurveBP cals uncals sigmas) =
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49 changes: 47 additions & 2 deletions src/Currycarbon/Parsers.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -78,14 +78,56 @@ renderCalDatePretty ascii (calExpr, calPDF, calC14) =

renderCalExpr :: CalExpr -> String
renderCalExpr (UnCalDate a) = renderUncalC14 a
renderCalExpr (WindowBP a) = renderTimeWindowBP a
renderCalExpr (WindowBCAD a) = renderTimeWindowBCAD a
renderCalExpr (CalDate (CalPDF name _ _)) = name
renderCalExpr (SumCal a b) = "(" ++ renderCalExpr a ++ " + " ++ renderCalExpr b ++ ")"
renderCalExpr (ProductCal a b) = "(" ++ renderCalExpr a ++ " * " ++ renderCalExpr b ++ ")"

renderTimeWindowBP :: TimeWindowBP -> String
renderTimeWindowBP (TimeWindowBP name start stop) = name ++ ":" ++ show start ++ " - " ++ show stop ++ "BP"

renderTimeWindowBCAD :: TimeWindowBCAD -> String
renderTimeWindowBCAD (TimeWindowBCAD name start stop) = name ++ ":" ++ show start ++ " - " ++ show stop ++ "BC/AD"

spaceChar :: Char -> P.Parser Char
spaceChar c = P.between P.spaces P.spaces (P.char c)
--spaceChar = P.char

parseInteger :: P.Parser Int
parseInteger = do
P.try parseNegativeInteger P.<|> (fromIntegral <$> parsePositiveInteger)

parseNegativeInteger :: P.Parser Int
parseNegativeInteger = do
_ <- P.oneOf "-"
i <- fromIntegral <$> parsePositiveInteger
return (-i)

parsePositiveInteger :: P.Parser Word
parsePositiveInteger = do
read <$> parseNumber

parseNumber :: P.Parser [Char]
parseNumber = P.many1 P.digit

parseTimeWindowBP :: P.Parser TimeWindowBP
parseTimeWindowBP = do
name <- P.many (P.noneOf ",")
_ <- spaceChar ','
start <- parsePositiveInteger
_ <- P.spaces *> P.string "<-|" <* P.spaces
stop <- parsePositiveInteger
return (TimeWindowBP name start stop)

parseTimeWindowBCAD :: P.Parser TimeWindowBCAD
parseTimeWindowBCAD = do
name <- P.many (P.noneOf ",")
_ <- spaceChar ','
start <- parseInteger
_ <- P.spaces *> P.string "<+>" <* P.spaces
stop <- parseInteger
return (TimeWindowBCAD name start stop)

add :: P.Parser CalExpr
add = SumCal <$> term <*> (spaceChar '+' *> expr)
Expand All @@ -97,7 +139,10 @@ parens :: P.Parser CalExpr
parens = P.between (spaceChar '(') (spaceChar ')') expr

factor :: P.Parser CalExpr
factor = parens P.<|> (UnCalDate <$> parseUncalC14)
factor = P.try parens
P.<|> P.try (WindowBP <$> parseTimeWindowBP)
P.<|> P.try (WindowBCAD <$> parseTimeWindowBCAD)
P.<|> (UnCalDate <$> parseUncalC14)

term :: P.Parser CalExpr
term = P.try mul P.<|> factor
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13 changes: 13 additions & 0 deletions src/Currycarbon/SumCalibration.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -19,6 +19,8 @@ evalCalExpr conf curve calExpr = mapEither id normalizeCalPDF $ evalE calExpr
evalE :: CalExpr -> Either CurrycarbonException CalPDF
evalE (UnCalDate a) = calibrateDate conf curve a
evalE (WindowBP a) = Right $ windowBP2CalPDF a
evalE (WindowBCAD a) = Right $ windowBCAD2CalPDF a
evalE (CalDate a) = Right a
evalE (SumCal a b) = eitherCombinePDFs (+) 0 (evalE a) (evalE b)
evalE (ProductCal a b) = mapEither id normalizeCalPDF $ eitherCombinePDFs (*) 1
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -69,3 +71,14 @@ combinePDFs f initVal (CalPDF name1 cals1 dens1) (CalPDF name2 cals2 dens2) =
| otherwise = []
foldYearGroup :: [(YearBCAD, Float)] -> (YearBCAD, Float)
foldYearGroup oneYear = (fst $ head oneYear, foldl' f initVal $ map snd oneYear)

-- | Create pseudo-CalPDF from RangeBCAD
windowBCAD2CalPDF :: TimeWindowBCAD -> CalPDF
windowBCAD2CalPDF (TimeWindowBCAD name start stop) =
let years = VU.fromList $ [start..stop]
dens = VU.replicate (VU.length years) 1
in CalPDF name years dens

windowBP2CalPDF :: TimeWindowBP -> CalPDF
windowBP2CalPDF (TimeWindowBP name start stop) =
windowBCAD2CalPDF (TimeWindowBCAD name (bp2BCAD start) (bp2BCAD stop))
8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions src/Currycarbon/Types.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -113,12 +113,20 @@ data CalPDF = CalPDF {
-- | A data type to represent an expression for sum- or product calibration
data CalExpr =
UnCalDate UncalC14
| WindowBP TimeWindowBP
| WindowBCAD TimeWindowBCAD
| CalDate CalPDF
| SumCal CalExpr CalExpr
| ProductCal CalExpr CalExpr
deriving Show

data TimeWindowBP = TimeWindowBP String YearBP YearBP
deriving Show

data TimeWindowBCAD = TimeWindowBCAD String YearBCAD YearBCAD
deriving Show

-- | A data type to represent a human readable summary of a calibrated radiocarbon date
data CalC14 = CalC14 {
-- | Identifier, e.g. a lab number
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