Proxy client could connect to NSMgr by provided interface and perform all required activities providing a proxy host interface.
Every request will be full-filled with a proper spire token.
You can build the locally by executing
go build ./...
You can build the docker container by running:
docker build .
Testing is run via a Docker container. To run testing run:
docker run --rm $(docker build -q --target test .)
If you wish to debug the test code itself, that can be achieved by running:
docker run --rm -p 40000:40000 $(docker build -q --target debug .)
This will result in the tests running under dlv. Connecting your debugger to localhost:40000 will allow you to debug.
-p 40000:40000
forwards port 40000 in the container to localhost:40000 where you can attach with your debugger.
--target debug
Runs the debug target, which is just like the test target, but starts tests with dlv listening on port 40000 inside the container.
When you run 'cmd-nsc-proxy' you will see an early line of output that tells you:
Setting env variable DLV_LISTEN_FORWARDER to a valid dlv '--listen' value will cause the dlv debugger to execute this binary and listen as directed.
If you follow those instructions when running the Docker container:
docker run -e DLV_LISTEN_NSMGR=:50000 -p 50000:50000 --rm $(docker build -q --target test .)
tells docker to set the environment variable DLV_LISTEN_NSMGR to :50000 telling
dlv to listen on port 50000.
-p 50000:50000
tells docker to forward port 50000 in the container to port 50000 in the host. From there, you can
just connect dlv using your favorite IDE and debug cmd-nsc-proxy.
docker run --rm -p 40000:40000 $(docker build -q --target debug .)
Please note, the tests start the cmd-nsc-proxy, so until you connect to port 40000 with your debugger and walk the tests through to the point of running cmd-nsc-proxy, you will not be able to attach a debugger on port 50000 to the cmd-nsc-proxy.
docker build . -t networkservicemeshci/cmd-cmd-nsc-proxy:master && kind load docker-image networkservicemeshci/cmd-cmd-nsc-proxy:master