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Brainfuck interpreters and compilers. Currently versions are written in Python, C++, Rust and Assembly.


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Brainduck Projects

“Sometimes the questions are complicated, and the answers are simple.” -Dr. Seuss

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This project is based on the esoteric Brainfuck language, known for being one of the most difficult to understand and use, and that's why I made this interpreter in a dynamic and high-level language, Python.

How to use

Running in the IDE

In the directories of this project there is the test folder, which contains 4 tests, and the file. The files in the test folder work with an external Brainfuck file, while the run file can also work by creating a "shell", like in Python.

After executing the run file in shell mode, the user can type the code and separate it into lines, and as long as the user does not type an empty line, the program will continue to recive the user input.

To disable the shell and run an external file, you need to change the value of the code_path variable to the path of your file, and then your external Brainfuck code will run perfectly.

Running in the command line interface (CLI)

Alternatively, you can use it through the CLI, which is very simple. The interpreter has 2 call parameters, one being an option and the other an argument.

python --debug [file path]

[file path] is optional

The option causes the code in Brainfuck to run in debug mode (which will be explained later), and the argument, as the name suggests, is the path to the Brainfuck file.

The argument is optional, and if it is not included, the interpreter will be executed in "shell" mode.

How the interpreter works

The BrainDuckInterpreter class

The interpreter is a class that works using the original Brainfuck syntax and rules. The remaining Python files take the Brainfuck file, read it, separate the text into a list of characters, and filter out those that are not Brainfuck commands. After that, the command list is sent to an object of the BrainDuckInterpreter class as a parameter of the run function, and this creates the memory spaces, defined when creating the object, and other necessary variables.

The list of Brainfuck commands:
 + - Increase the value in the cell by 1
 - - Decrease the value in the cell by 1
 > - Move the memory pointer to the right
 < - Move the memory pointer to the left
 [ - Start a conditional loop (oversimplified)
 ] - End a conditional loop (oversimplified)
 , - Get the user input and store in the curent memory cell
 . - Print the current memory cell value in ASCII table

How the debug mode works

With debug mode activated, each instruction is shown in the CLI the command used, the current cell and the value of the current cell. Furthermore, when the show cell value command is used, the value is shown as a number, instead of the ASCII (American Standart Code for Information Interchange) character.

How the compile mode works


python --compile [file path]

[file path] is required

Creating an object from BrainDuckInterpreter

The BrainDuckInterpreter __init__() method takes 2 arguments, one is memory_bits and the other is cell_bits.

As the name suggest, the first defines how many bits the memory will have, consequently defining how many cells there will be (e.g.: If memory_bits has the value of 15, there will be 32.768 cells).

The cell_bits defines how many bits will have each cell (e.g.: If cell_bits has the value of 8, the maximum value of the cells will be 255).


The BrainDuckInterpreter class is independent of the rest of the project, and can be used in other projects just by reusing the file, its only dependencies being the command prompt, if a new project wants to use a custom interface it will have to change the interpreter code a little.

C++ Version

To compile the C++ version, simply run the make.bat file at the command prompt.


And then you can run the code with the parameter being the .bf file you want to run.

C:\brainduck-interpreter\cpp_ver>brainfuck test_codes/

The code uses stack/compile allocated memory to read the brainfuck and execute it, so there is a limit of 65,536 (or 2 to the power of 16) characters. This version does not contain the debug option, other than that it executes the code in a similar way.


Decimal Hex Octal Binary Character Description
0 00 000 00000000 NUL Null character
1 01 001 00000001 SOH Start of Heading
2 02 002 00000010 STX Start of Text
3 03 003 00000011 ETX End of Text
4 04 004 00000100 EOT End of Transmission
5 05 005 00000101 ENQ Enquiry
6 06 006 00000110 ACK Acknowledge
7 07 007 00000111 BEL Bell
8 08 010 00001000 BS Backspace
9 09 011 00001001 TAB Horizontal Tab
10 0A 012 00001010 LF Line Feed
11 0B 013 00001011 VT Vertical Tab
12 0C 014 00001100 FF Form Feed
13 0D 015 00001101 CR Carriage Return
14 0E 016 00001110 SO Shift Out
15 0F 017 00001111 SI Shift In
16 10 020 00010000 DLE Data Link Escape
17 11 021 00010001 DC1 Device Control 1 (XON)
18 12 022 00010010 DC2 Device Control 2
19 13 023 00010011 DC3 Device Control 3 (XOFF)
20 14 024 00010100 DC4 Device Control 4
21 15 025 00010101 NAK Negative Acknowledge
22 16 026 00010110 SYN Synchronous Idle
23 17 027 00010111 ETB End of Transmit Block
24 18 030 00011000 CAN Cancel
25 19 031 00011001 EM End of Medium
26 1A 032 00011010 SUB Substitute
27 1B 033 00011011 ESC Escape
28 1C 034 00011100 FS File Separator
29 1D 035 00011101 GS Group Separator
30 1E 036 00011110 RS Record Separator
31 1F 037 00011111 US Unit Separator
32 20 040 00100000 (space) Space
33 21 041 00100001 ! Exclamation mark
34 22 042 00100010 " Double quote
35 23 043 00100011 # Number sign
36 24 044 00100100 $ Dollar sign
37 25 045 00100101 % Percent sign
38 26 046 00100110 & Ampersand
39 27 047 00100111 ' Single quote
40 28 050 00101000 ( Left parenthesis
41 29 051 00101001 ) Right parenthesis
42 2A 052 00101010 * Asterisk
43 2B 053 00101011 + Plus
44 2C 054 00101100 , Comma
45 2D 055 00101101 - Hyphen-minus
46 2E 056 00101110 . Period
47 2F 057 00101111 / Slash
48 30 060 00110000 0 Digit 0
49 31 061 00110001 1 Digit 1
50 32 062 00110010 2 Digit 2
51 33 063 00110011 3 Digit 3
52 34 064 00110100 4 Digit 4
53 35 065 00110101 5 Digit 5
54 36 066 00110110 6 Digit 6
55 37 067 00110111 7 Digit 7
56 38 070 00111000 8 Digit 8
57 39 071 00111001 9 Digit 9
58 3A 072 00111010 : Colon
59 3B 073 00111011 ; Semicolon
60 3C 074 00111100 < Less-than sign
61 3D 075 00111101 = Equals sign
62 3E 076 00111110 > Greater-than sign
63 3F 077 00111111 ? Question mark
64 40 100 01000000 @ At sign
65 41 101 01000001 A Uppercase A
66 42 102 01000010 B Uppercase B
67 43 103 01000011 C Uppercase C
68 44 104 01000100 D Uppercase D
69 45 105 01000101 E Uppercase E
70 46 106 01000110 F Uppercase F
71 47 107 01000111 G Uppercase G
72 48 110 01001000 H Uppercase H
73 49 111 01001001 I Uppercase I
74 4A 112 01001010 J Uppercase J
75 4B 113 01001011 K Uppercase K
76 4C 114 01001100 L Uppercase L
77 4D 115 01001101 M Uppercase M
78 4E 116 01001110 N Uppercase N
79 4F 117 01001111 O Uppercase O
80 50 120 01010000 P Uppercase P
81 51 121 01010001 Q Uppercase Q
82 52 122 01010010 R Uppercase R
83 53 123 01010011 S Uppercase S
84 54 124 01010100 T Uppercase T
85 55 125 01010101 U Uppercase U
86 56 126 01010110 V Uppercase V
87 57 127 01010111 W Uppercase W
88 58 130 01011000 X Uppercase X
89 59 131 01011001 Y Uppercase Y
90 5A 132 01011010 Z Uppercase Z
91 5B 133 01011011 [ Left square bracket
92 5C 134 01011100 \ Backslash
93 5D 135 01011101 ] Right square bracket
94 5E 136 01011110 ^ Caret
95 5F 137 01011111 _ Underscore
96 60 140 01100000 ` Grave accent
97 61 141 01100001 a Lowercase a
98 62 142 01100010 b Lowercase b
99 63 143 01100011 c Lowercase c
100 64 144 01100100 d Lowercase d
101 65 145 01100101 e Lowercase e
102 66 146 01100110 f Lowercase f
103 67 147 01100111 g Lowercase g
104 68 150 01101000 h Lowercase h
105 69 151 01101001 i Lowercase i
106 6A 152 01101010 j Lowercase j
107 6B 153 01101011 k Lowercase k
108 6C 154 01101100 l Lowercase l
109 6D 155 01101101 m Lowercase m
110 6E 156 01101110 n Lowercase n
111 6F 157 01101111 o Lowercase o
112 70 160 01110000 p Lowercase p
113 71 161 01110001 q Lowercase q
114 72 162 01110010 r Lowercase r
115 73 163 01110011 s Lowercase s
116 74 164 01110100 t Lowercase t
117 75 165 01110101 u Lowercase u
118 76 166 01110110 v Lowercase v
119 77 167 01110111 w Lowercase w
120 78 170 01111000 x Lowercase x
121 79 171 01111001 y Lowercase y
122 7A 172 01111010 z Lowercase z
123 7B 173 01111011 { Left curly bracket
124 7C 174 01111100 | Vertical bar
125 7D 175 01111101 } Right curly bracket
126 7E 176 01111110 ~ Tilde
127 7F 177 01111111 DEL Delete


Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE.