🌷 This is my final year project for the B.Sc. degree in Computer Systems at the University of Limerick.
The project focused on building/optimising a recommender system with the help of Grammatical Evolution. For the final result, I managed to show that GE is able to generate a lower RMSE score (mean RMSE: 0.777) compared to the SVD Collaborative Filtering algorithm when given 19 movie-related features including (a content-based filtering rating, a collaborative filtering prediction, etc).
This recommender system can be considered a hybrid recommender system as it uses both the collaborative and content-based filtering in addition to dozens of other features.
🌷 The final product is located in the /submission directory
- rs-with-ge.ipynb - notebook with data preprocessing, feature engineering and a singular 500 generation GE run resulting in an improved RMSE
- quantitative_experiments.ipynb - notebook with 15 250 generation GE runs resulting in a mean\avg RMSE improvement compared to the SVD CF algorithm
- preprocessed_movielens_data - data from movielens, cleaned and preprocessed for feature engineering
🌷 The data used for the project were:
- MovieLens by GroupLens
- IMDB Datasets by IMDB
- Movie Dataset by TMDB
🌷 The packages/libraries used for the project were:
- Numpy
- Pandas
- RS Datasets
- SimpleTMDB
- Surprise
- Sklearn