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SwiftNotifications is a Swift framework providing a strong typed wrapper around the functionality of NotificationCenter.



To install SwiftNotifications using Carthage, add github "nbcnews/SwiftNotifications" to your Cartfile, then follow these steps.

Defining notifications

Before notification can be sent or received, it needs to be defined. Notifications are defined by creating struct (or class) conforming to eitherCodableNotification, PostableNotification or ObservableNotification protocols.

Definig notification using CodableNotification

Conforming to CodableNotification is the simplest way to define notification:

struct MyNotification: CodableNotification {
  let intValue: Int
  let stringValue: String
  let structValue: MyStruct
  let classValue: MyClass

Notification can be empty if no additional information needs to be provided:

struct MyEmptyNotification: CodableNotification {

Defining notification using PostableNotification or ObservableNotification

One limitation of CodableNotification is that all stored properties must support the Codable protocol. In some situations that is not possible. In this case, you can implement PostableNotification protocol for notifications that can be posted, or ObservableNotification for notification that can be observed but not posted.

ObservableNotification must implement init?(notification:)

struct MyNotification: ObservableNotification {
  let value: NonCodableType
  init?(notification: Notification) {
    guard userInfo = notification.userInfo else {
      return nil
    guard let value = userInfo["valueKey"] as? NonCodableType else {
      return nil
    self.value = value

PostableNotification in addition to init sould also implement var userInfo: [AnyHashable: Any]?:

struct MyNotification: PostableNotification {
  let value: NonCodableType
  var userInfo: [AnyHashable: Any]? {
    return ["valueKey": value]
  init?(notification: Notification) {
    guard userInfo = notification.userInfo else {
      return nil
    guard let value = userInfo["valueKey"] as? NonCodableType else {
      return nil
    self.value = value

Custom names

By default, notification name is the name of the struct combined with the module name. For example, notification struct MyNotification located in a module named MyModule will have the name MyModule.MyNotification. But sometimes it is necessary to define the notification name to be different from struct's name. It can be done by defining the static property name in you notification

struct MyNotification: ObservableNotification {
  static let name = "MySpecialNotificationName"

Sending notifications

Sending a notification is as simple as calling post() method on a notification object


You can send notification to custom NotificationCenter


Send notification with information about sender

Mynotification().post(from: object)

Receiving notifications

class Listener {
    let observer = NotificationObserver<MyNotification>()
    init() {
        observer.observe(self, Listener.handleNotification)
    func handleNotification(notification: MyNotification) {

Stopping notifications

In most cases, no special action is needed to stop receving notifications because notifications will stop automaticaly when NotificationObserver is released. In cases that more precise control is required, notifications can be stoped by calling remove() method of NotificationObserver
