This repository contains code that performs multi-label text classification on a corpus of biology papers using a variety of classifiers. Each classifier generates a MAP score for comparison.
original dataset of biology papers
shows some metrics of the data (Modification of original work by: David Smith)
additional data exploration and cleaning. This generates the files in the data
data cleaned and prepared for classification. Columns are present for each label. A 1 means the paper was assigned the lable, 0 means it was not. Column 'y' contains a list of the binary indicators for each labels, and is just a different format from the label columns, used in linear-svm.ipynb.
compares the classifiers, bart-large-mnli, and SciBERT.
classifies using a LinearSVC classifier.
faster SciBERT classifier, takes less time to train and generate predictions than transformers-zs-nli-and-scibert.ipynb
most likely due to smaller max_token_length and no k-fold cross validation. Adapted from original work by Venelin Valkov:
folder contains the github repo for the LOTClass implementation. Adapted from original work by Meng, Yu and Zhang, Yunyi and Huang, Jiaxin and Xiong, Chenyan and Ji, Heng and Zhang, Chao and Han, Jiawei. The
file inside the folder will build the model and produce the test output. Creating the dataset viewing output can be done using the LOTClass.ipynb
file. This model requires a GPU and is still in development phase..
classifies documents using their abstracts and titles. The classifier was created by Amir ElTabakh with help from Rebecca Lipton (Fall 2021 interns). The data used for this classifier is called golden_json_with_full_abstract_and_titles_and_isOpenAccess.json
and exists in the data
can be loaded in Colab. Setting the runtime to GPU will enable faster model training and predictions. All the cells can be run in order. After running the first cell, you may see a button in the cell output to restart the runtime. This should be done. Final scores are computed at the bottom of the notebook. To just run one of the two models, for example SciBERT, don't run the cells with comment labels at the top of the cell containing 'bart-large-mnli'. SciBERT training and predictions can be made faster by reducing the number of k-fold splits. The code line where this can be done can be found by searching the notebook for the comment labelled 'CONFIG'. To replace SciBERT with BERT, uncomment the two lines marked with 'CONFIG' comments.
- bart-large-mnli takes about 2.5 hours to generate 500 predictions
- SciBERT takes about 2 hours to train and generate 500 predictions
can be loaded in Colab. This model does not use a GPU. All the cells can be run in order. After running the first cell, you may see a button in the cell output to restart the runtime. This should be done. The final MAP score is computed at the bottom of the notebook.
can be loaded in Colab. This model requires a GPU. All the cells can be run in order. Training only takes ~20 minutes. The final MAP score is computed at the bottom of the notebook.
can be loaded locally to build the datasets for the LOTClass folder. This model requires a GPU. All the cells can be run in order.
Brandon Ruffridge – data-exploration-and-cleaning.ipynb
, transformers-zs-nli-and-scibert.ipynb
, linear-svm.ipynb
, scibert-ml.ipynb
adaptations of original work by Venelin Valkov
Christian Ortiz – LOTClass.ipynb
Jay Kim – Text Classification.ipynb
Brendan Lynch – roberta-large-mnli
Run ID | Model | MAP | gMAP | Description |
1a | facebook/bart-large-mnli | .29 | .28 | transformers-zs-nli-and-scibert.ipynb. (pretrained zero-shot) 50 papers from each label. 500 total. |
1b | facebook/bart-large-mnli | .31 | .30 | transformers-zs-nli-and-scibert.ipynb. (pretrained zero-shot) 50 papers from each label. 500 total. Reworded the class names slightly. |
2 | allenai/scibert_scivocab_cased | .64 | .64 | transformers-zs-nli-and-scibert.ipynb. same 500 papers. split into 5 folds for training and validation (80/20 split). 2 epochs, train_batch_size=8, validation_batch_size=4, max_token_length=512 |
3a | allenai/scibert_scivocab_uncased | .71 | .70 | transformers-zs-nli-and-scibert.ipynb. same 500 papers. split into 5 folds for training and validation (80/20 split). 2 epochs, train_batch_size=8, validation_batch_size=4, max_token_length=512 |
3b | allenai/scibert_scivocab_uncased | .67 | .66 | scibert-ml.ipynb. All ~1000 papers in data/cleaned.csv. split into training and validation (90/10 split) using multi-label stratification to preserve class distributions in both splits. 8 epochs, train_batch_size=12, validation_batch_size=12, max_token_length=256 |
4 | bert_base_cased | .48 | .47 | transformers-zs-nli-and-scibert.ipynb. same 500 papers. split into 5 folds for training and validation (80/20 split). 2 epochs, train_batch_size=8, validation_batch_size=4, max_token_length=512 |
5 | bert_base_uncased | .53 | .51 | transformers-zs-nli-and-scibert.ipynb. same 500 papers. split into 5 folds for training and validation (80/20 split). 2 epochs, train_batch_size=8, validation_batch_size=4, max_token_length=512 |
6 | OneVsRest/LinearSVC | .63 | linear-svm.ipynb. All ~1000 papers in data/cleaned.csv. 4-fold nested cross validation with hyperparameter tuning (75/25). | |
7 | Roberta-large-mnli | .29 | .25 | transformers-zs-nli-and-scibert.ipynb. (pretrained zero-shot) 50 papers from each label. 500 total. |
Run ID | physically_assemble_or_disassemble | protect_from_harm | sense_send_or_process_information | chemically_modify_or_change_energy_state | maintain_structural_integrity | attach | move | process_resources | sustain_ecological_community | change_size_or_color |
1a | .20 | .39 | .22 | .24 | .29 | .46 | .34 | .33 | .29 | .19 |
1b | .21 | .43 | .30 | .30 | .33 | .23 | .27 | .40 | .30 | .28 |
2 | .46 | .60 | .78 | .54 | .65 | .65 | .71 | .71 | .70 | .65 |
3a | .51 | .67 | .84 | .69 | .73 | .75 | .76 | .70 | .72 | .69 |
3b | .47 | .58 | .76 | .68 | .61 | .76 | .78 | .72 | .65 | .67 |
4 | .37 | .59 | .68 | .33 | .50 | .32 | .54 | .57 | .50 | .42 |
5 | .33 | .59 | .78 | .45 | .56 | .36 | .70 | .46 | .54 | .50 |
7 | .17 | .47 | .30 | .70 | .33 | .14 | .11 | .20 | .18 | .27 |
bart-large-mnli performed the worst. Even with little training data BERT and SciBERT were better. SciBERT outperformed BERT, most likely due to SciBERT being trained on scientific literature which is what our corpus is. A shallow model, LinearSVC, performed surprisingly well. It is unclear why the second SciBERT classifier shown in Run 3b, underperformed the first version, but it could be due to reducing max_token_length to 256. This was necessary because setting it to 512 in the second version consumed all of the available GPU memory in Colab which crashed the runtime.
Try out some of these approaches:
Giannis Karamanolakis, Subhabrata Mukherjee, Guoqing Zheng, and Ahmed Hassan Awadallah. 2021. Self-training with weak supervision.
Dheeraj Mekala, Xinyang Zhang, and Jingbo Shang. 2020. META: Metadata-empowered weak supervision for text classification.
Timo Schick and Hinrich Sch¨utze. 2021. Exploiting cloze-questions for few-shot text classification and natural language inference.
Zihan Wang, Dheeraj Mekala, and Jingbo Shang. 2021. X-class: Text classification with extremely weak supervision.
Qizhe Xie, Zihang Dai, Eduard Hovy, Thang Luong, and Quoc Le. 2020. Unsupervised data augmentation for consistency training.