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Nana Chimi, A edited this page Aug 15, 2016 · 1 revision


Node.js package for parsing excel workbooks into an Javascript array of rows. Excel workbooks based on the node.js package xlsx.

how to install the xlso?

npm install xlso --save

How to use the package?

Let suppose the following table is saved as testdata.xlsx.

Id Name City
1 micky Loum
2 Lapiro Mbanga
var xlso = require('xslo');
var xlsx = require('xlsx');
// the xlsx's workbook to parse by the xlso package.
var workbook = xlsx.readFile("testdata.xlsx");
// parse the workbook to a js array
var rows = xlso.parseWorkbook(workbook, 0, 0);
// display your js array
rows.forEach(function(item, index){
  console("Id: " + item.Id + "Name: " + item.Name + "City: " + item.City);

API Specifications

xlso expose one API that expect three parameters:

  • the first parameter is the workbook that was generated by the package xlsx (see section below).
  • the second parameter is the position of the sheet in the given workbook (the index 0 is the first sheet).
  • the third and last parameter is the position of the header row (position 0 means also first row).

PS: the header row must be the first row.

How to run unit-tests?

npm test
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