Light weight and fully themeable jQuery UI Plugin to generate tables on the fly with fixed columns, header and/or footer. Simple usage and a very small with basic functions like append, prepend or remove one row to the table.
More informations and demos: Please visit the project page
Convert a normal table into a TinyTable, simple use this command:
$('.selector').tinytbl(object options);
direction (string 'ltr' | 'rtl')
This option set the text-direction. Default is 'ltr'. -
thead (bool true | false)
If your table has a thead and tbody, you can set with this option thead as fixed. Default is true. Notice: If your table has not a thead or tbody this option is always set to false. -
tfoot (bool true | false)
If your table has a tfoot and tbody, you can set with this option tfoot as fixed. Default is true. Notice: If your table has not a tfoot or tbody this option is always set to false. -
cols (integer 0)
Makes the first columns (counted from ltr or rtl, see also direction) fixed. Default is 0, no columns are fixed. -
width (mixed 'auto')
Set the width of TinyTable. You can use values with px, pt, em or %. If you use only a numeric value, the width is calculated in pixels. When setting this option to a percentage (%) value or to 'auto' the width of TinyTable is calculated to its parent element or $('body').
NEW: You can set this parameter to 'cols:X', where X means number of columns (counted from ltr or rtl, see also direction). Default is
'auto' and is equivalent with '100%'. -
height (mixed 'auto')
Set the height of TinyTable. You can use values with px, pt, em or %. If you use only a numeric value, the height is calculated in pixels. When setting this option to a percentage (%) value or to 'auto' the height of TinyTable is calculated to its parent element or $('body'). Default is 'auto' and is equivalent with '100%'. -
theadcss (string 'ui-widget-header')
Set an user defined CSS class to the fixed table header. Default is 'ui-widget-header'. -
tbodycss (string 'ui-widget-content')
Set an user defined CSS class to the scrollable area. Default is 'ui-widget-content'. -
tfootcss (string 'ui-widget-header')
Set an user defined CSS class to the fixed table footer. Default is 'ui-widget-header'. -
focus (bool true | false)
Set the focus after TinyTable was created to the scrollable area. Default is false. -
renderer (bool true | false)
To support creating of TinyTables on hidden elements (like ui-tabs) with the correct dimensions. But please note: This may slow down your site. It's better to create all TinyTables and than to call function like UI-Tabs. Default is false.
Removes the TinyTable and restores the original table.
Set the focus to the scrollable area.
$('.selector').tinytbl('append', object tr-element);
Add a new row to TinyTable to the bottom of the body section.
$('.selector').tinytbl('prepend', object tr-element);
Add a new row to TinyTable to the top of the body section.
$('.selector').tinytbl('remove', object tr-element);
Removes a specified row from the body section.
3rd official release
- Re-Factor:
for supporting WebKit browsers (like Google Chrome and Apple Safari).
Ready for jQuery 1.8.1 and jQuery UI 1.8.23. - New:
Option 'renderer', to support creating of TinyTables on hidden elements (like ui-tabs) with the correct dimensions. - Bugfix:
Broken layout in WebKit browsers.
2nd official release
- New:
Calculating the width of TinyTable with the first given columns. If you set as option e.g. width:'cols:2', the first two columns are used to get the width of the TinyTable. - Bugfix:
Wrong typo for 'paddingRight', now the width should be calculated correctly.
1st official release
- jQuery 1.6.2
- jQuery UI Core 1.8.16
- jQuery UI Widget 1.8.16
- Firefox (> 11)
- Google Chrome (> 21)
- Internet Explorer (> 7)
- Safari (> 5)
- To enable fixed table header the table must have a tbody and a thead.
- To enable fixed table footer the table must have a tbody and a tfoot.
- Sometimes the table is crashed:
Please change in file jquery.ui.tinytbl.css the margins and or remove some borders. The CSS-file jquery.ui.tinytbl.css only includes correct border colors for the theme UI-Lightness. Please change the lines #15 and #16.