👋 My official name is, SM Mushtaq Bokhari
👀 I’m curious about building things and experimenting with technical stuffs.
🌱 Currently I'm expanding my skill set to include advanced topics in AI and machine learning. While my past experiences have centered around full-stack technologies like React and Node.js, I'm now diving deeper into the fascinating realms of AI/ML.
💡 Although my journey started with web development and backend, I'm now eager to collaborate on open-source projects related to AI/ML and Web3.
💞️ I’m looking to collaborate on web3 domain related open source projects involving Web development and Smart contract creations.
📫 Find me around the web! Feel free to ask me anything esp in AI/ML/Web3. If I didn't know, Il learn something new!
Below are some of the tools and technologies I have interacted so far,
function be(who){
if(who == 'yourself'){
return true;