For now, just a snippet of Lua code that uses telescope.nvim to display a list of colorschemes to choose from. It was initially part of my Telescope config, but now it is a mini-plugin, my first one at that.
It differs from the Telescope builtin :Telescope colorscheme
in that you can choose the colorscheme list in this one.
Uses Telescope as a dependency, so be sure to put it as a dependency ;).
- Ctrl + j / k → Go down / up the list and put the color
- Esc or Ctrl + c → Exit the picker
- Enter → After filtering, choose the color and exit
You first put in require("theme-selector.colorschemes")
the ones you want to have in the picker.
Then the require("theme-selector")
loads the plugin and the list :)
- Example →
return {
cmd = { "Themer" },
dependencies = {
config = function()
require("theme-selector.colorschemes").list = {
- User-defined list
- User-configurable keybinds (it has defaults now, but no merging)
- Fix bug when filtering then moving
- Add
to gather all options and loading.