This script aimed goal is to set up a complete web server environment.
Optional LEMP / LAMP. Web application as optional.
Debain or Ubuntu fresh install
Get it and run it
wget --no-check-certificate
tar xpvf master -C "LinuxServerSetup" --strip-components=1
cd LinuxServerSetup
bash setup/
- Optional database Postgresql and Mysql
- Optional control panel Ajenti
- Optional webserver NGINX
- Default use SSL certificate (letsencrypt)
- Create a privileged user
- option add ssh-key
- option set shell (default /bin/bash)
- sshd
- option ssh-key for passwordless connection
- option disable root login
- Firewall
- Automatic configure based on choices made
- Setting hostname
- Update system software
- Optional web application
- django
- weblate
- pgadmin
- Optional e-mail server
- spam filter
- anti virus
- easy add email via web tool
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