- Overview
- Module Description - What the module does and why it is useful
- Setup - The basics of getting started with Chkrootkit
- Usage - Configuration options and additional functionality
- Reference - An under-the-hood peek at what the module is doing and how
- Limitations - OS compatibility, etc.
- Development - Guide for contributing to the module
The Chkrootkit module installs and configures the Chkrootkit service.
Installs and configures chkrootkit. By default, it will download the package and remove the
default /etc/cron.daily entry and instead manage it with a Puppet cron type. If you set
the diff_mode
parameter to true, it will create an expected log on the next run. After the
first run, chkrootkit will compare its results to the expected log to determine if any
rootkits are present.
Chkrootkit runs as a cron entry as root.
- Puppet-3.0.0 or later
include '::chkrootkit'
Use Hiera or directly define class variables
Include the Class
include '::chkrootkit'
Hiera Data
chkrootkit::diff_mode: true
chkrootkit::run_daily: true
chkrootkit::run_daily_opts: '-q'
### Define variables explicitly
Include the Class
class { 'chkrootkit':
diff_mode => true,
run_daily => true,
run_daily_opts => '-q'
## Reference
### Classes
#### Public Classes
* [chkrootkit](#chkrootkit): The Chkrootkit class
#### `chkrootkit`
### Parameters
#### `chkrootkit::package`
The name of the chkrootkit package.
Default: 'chkrootkit'
#### `chkrootkit::manage_cron`
Whether or not to manage the cron entry. If set to false, the default daily cron entry
will remain. If set to true, an entry will be made in the root user's crontab. The values
of this entry will be determined by cron_minute, cron_hour, and mailto.
default: false
#### `chkrootkit::cron_script`
The path to the script that cron will run.
Default: /usr/local/bin/chkrootkit
#### `chkrootkit::cron_template`
The template to use for creating cron_script
Default: 'chkrootkit/chkrootkit.cron.erb'
#### `chkrootkit::cron_minute`
The minute to pass to the cron entry
Default: 25
#### `chkrootkit::cron_hour`
The hour to pass to the cron entry
Default: 6
#### `chkrootkit::cf`
The path to chkrootkit.conf.
Default: /etc/chkrootkit.conf
#### `chkrootkit::chkrootkit`
The path to the chkrootkit binary
Default: /usr/sbin/chkrootkit
#### `chkrootkit::log_dir`
The path to the directory that the today log and expected log will be stored in.
Default: /var/log/chkrootkit
#### `chkrootkit::today_log`
The name of the today log.
Default: log.today
#### `chkrootkit::expected_log`
The name of the expected log.
Default: log.expected
#### `chkrootkit::diff_mode`
Whether or not to operate in diff_mode.
Default: false
#### `chkrootkit::run_daily`
Sets the RUN_DAILY parameter in chkrootkit.conf.
Default: false
#### `chkrootkit::run_daily_opts`
Sets the RUN_DAILY_OPTS parameter in chkrootkit.conf
Default: '-q'
#### `chkconfig::mailto`
The user to send emails to. This optional parameter only matters if manage_cron is true.
Default: undef