Docker image to download bank account transactions and read account balance from AirBank internet banking.
The Docker image is publicly available here on DockerHub.
As of now (September 2017), AirBank doesn't provide API to expose a list of transactions. However, it is possible within the internet banking to export a list of transactions for a given bank account and time period.
This tool a workaround around the missing API. It uses a headless Chrome browser to log into the AirBank internet banking and download the CSV with transactions.
It uses the following screen to download a list of transactions:
docker run \
--rm \
--env AIRBANK_USERNAME="[username]" \
--env AIRBANK_PASSWORD="[password]" \
--volume [download-dir]:/data \
--privileged \
mkrcah/airbank-tx:latest \
--period-from="[period-from]" --period-to="[period-to]" \
are login credentials to AirBank internet bankingaccount-number
is a bank account number whose transactions will be downloaded, for example11111111111/3030
defines time filter for transactions, in formatDD.MM.YYYY
a directory where the CSV file with transactions will be saved
There are two optional arguments available:
--export-filename [filename]
which specified name of the downloaded CSV file, e.g.--filename "airbank.csv"
--balance-filename [filename]
which specified name of a file to which current account balance will be stored
Login credentials can be also supplied via a file using the --env-file
Note: --privileged
flag is required since Chrome is making use of unix containers as well. If not supplied, Chrome will not start.
$ cat env.list
$ docker run --env-file=env.list \
--volume $(pwd)/export-data:/data \
--privileged mkrcah/airbank-tx \
--period-from "01.01.2016" --period-to "01.07.2016" \
--account-number "123456789/1234" \
--export-filename "airbank.csv" \
--balance-filename "airbank-balance.txt"
Starting chrome...
Loading login page
$ ls ./export-data
Try to open internet banking manually and fill in provided data. If not, try installing selenium and running the script locally. If that doesn't help, or you find yourself lost, please open an issue.