Target-less Calibration between Camera and LiDAR using
- Manually selected correspondence
- Automated correspondence detection combining Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM), Chamfer Matching and Mutual Information
Implementation assumes a KITTI dataset folder structure like the following:
├── calibration
│ ├── calib_cam_to_cam.txt
│ ├── calib_imu_to_velo.txt
│ └── calib_velo_to_cam.txt
├── image_00
│ └── data
│ ├── 0000000001.png
│ └── ...
└── velodyne_points
└── data
├── 0000000001.bin
└── ...
We recommend using pipenv and the Pipfile.lock file to install necessary dependencies in a virtual environment.
pipenv install --ignore-pipfile
pipenv shell
python --dir <path to kitti directory> --calibration_method <either "automatic" or "manual">
python -d <path to kitti directory> -cm <either "automatic" or "manual">
python --dir data/0928-KITTI-dataset/ --calibration_method automatic
For manual mode, click the feature in camera image and intensity image, confirm the selection with y
, and finish selection with q
The calibration result is then displayed in the consol after the algorithm has converged. Example:
### Optimization completed ###
xyz (m): [ 1.20684236 -1.21968689 1.20059145]
Rotation Vector: [-0.02272116 -0.07837192 -0.34919117]