For this project, I used Xubuntu 20.04, and I needed to install the following packages:
sudo apt-get install python3-pip make
After cloning the project, and entering into the directory HelloEndoWorld run:
cd HelloEndoWorld
It will install the requirements to run the server.
Then run the server with:
It will run the server on the 8080 port. It is possible to run it on different ports using the -p flag, e.g.:
python3 -p 7933
It is possible to use a different PATH using the -P flag, e.g.:
python3 -P /usr/bin/
It is also possible to set a timer for a graceful shutdown of the flask server using the -s flag, e.g.:
python3 -s 30
will shutdown the server after 30 seconds of activity.
It is also available a help using -h flag.
Default configuration parameters are specified in the file .env.
E.g. the log file will be demo.log, but the parameter can be changed through the .env file. In the .env file also are specified: default port, default path, host ip address, Git Repository (used to retrieve head hash).
To perform the tests against a running instance execute:
python3 -m pytest
At the moment only http endpoints have unit tests, which can be found in tests/ The Jenkins pipeline also performs the execution of unit tests on a different port. Tests for the flags still need to be written.
To run a docker instance, build the container with:
docker build -t python-helloendoworld .
The container can be run on localhost, using docker run -it (to pass a shell command as a parameter), -d (detach), and -p (publish port(s)) to :
docker run -it -d -p 8080:8080 sanmiguelsan/helloendoworld python3
In alternative it can be run on a different (local) IP address:
docker run -it helloendoworld python3 -p 8079
To check which IP address is using the container execute:
docker ps
Then use the container id in the following command:
docker inspect $CONTAINER_ID | grep IPAddress
Usually, this IP address is
To test the HTTP endpoints:
Jenkinsfile contains the pipeline used to run the HTTP server and tests.
As required in at Level 2, the HTTP service can be stopped using the endpoint:
that will send the SIGINT signal immediately to the application.
It can also be specified a timer adding an integer number after shutdown:
that will send after 25 seconds the SIGINT signal.