PDFextract is a convenient CLI-wrapper for pdftk which enables the user to easily extract multiple pages (consecutively or discontinuous) from a given source PDF file. PDFextract saves the extracted artifacts as individual target PDF files (one for each page range) or combines them into a single target PDF.
pdftk must be installed on your system, otherwise PDFextract will fail to execute.
Clone the repository, then install the script by executing
$ python setup.py install
Extract pages from a single, continuous page range (pages 3 to 5) from source.pdf and save the output to target.pdf.
pdfextract source.pdf target.pdf 3-5
Extract pages from discontinuous page ranges (pages 3 to 5 and 7 to 12) from source.pdf and save the output to target.pdf. This will automatically yield several target PDFs, each suffixed with the respective page range.
pdfextract source.pdf target.pdf 3-5,7-12
Extract pages from discontinuous page ranges (pages 3 to 5 and 7 to 12) from source.pdf and save the output to a single target.pdf.
pdfextract source.pdf target.pdf 3-5,7-12 --join
This script is released under the MIT license.