0.1.9 alpha
Everyone will want this change, it fixes some serious bugs.
- The failure to connect from the phone to the device should be fixed now
- An 'installer script' now programs devices completely from scratch, so HELTEC clone devices should now work. Would one of ya'll mind testing the new instructions I added in the README? If someone wants to make a Windows batchfile version of device_install.sh, that owuld be great!
- We now keep full elf files in the release zip, which makes it easier to debug remote crash reports (though this does make the zip file quite a bit larger)
- Device bugs are now reported up to the phone (and then back to the devs via analytics starting in the next Android release). This should help a lot in tracking down remaining problems that happen in the field.
- @girtsf flipped the TBEAM screen so it has the correct orientation.
Full list of changes: