I'm Lucien, a developer with a passion for open-ended evolution
- Unity DOTS (High-Performance tools for Unity)
- Lenia (continuous cellular automata)
- Eplex Publications (Neat to DeepHyperNeat publications).
Get a better look in my Portfolio !
- UML_to_C: A generator of .c and .h files from a special class-diagram
- Libmycode: My personnal C library documented with doxygen
- Libmycsfml: My personnal CSFML library
- Code_Mall: Bash tool using UML_to_C & Libmycode to help start C projects
- UDots A Template & Library for Unity projects using DOTS packages
- My_Hunter: An Epitech project done on CSFML.
- HSSD2: A game made in a week-end during the Epitech Jam 1 (team of 5)
- Parallel_Empires: A game made in a week-end during the Epitech Jam 2 (team of 3)
Connect with me on LinkedIn.