Moti is developed with Swift5 & SwiftUI. I recommend your OS is macOS Catalina or later, XCode 11 or later.
macOS Catalina or later
XCode 11 or later
CocoaPod 1.9.1 or later
This is how to install Moti project below.
# Clone Moti project from this repo
git clone
# Install dependencies from Podfile
pod install
open Ahobsu.xcworkspace
# You can edit codes and run build.
Not yet installed on any deployment environments. To be announced later.
- CocoaPod - Dependency Management
- SwiftLint
Whenever you want to post any issues, please post it on Issues
Or whenever you want to request Pull request
, you can request any new `Pull request"!
I recommend your title and description must be clear and simple.
You can contribute any QUESTION CARDS to be sent to users at the MOTI intro page.
- kor-Chipmunk - iOS Developer
- Bran - iOS Developer
- LHOCHAN - iOS Developer
- YuChocopie - Backend Developer
- Yuni-Q - Backend Developer
- Parkgeena - UI/UX Designer
- heesoo_j - UI/UX Designer & Project Manager
You can see the node.js backend github on this,
and the MOTI intro page on this.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details