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Query don't copy (#380)
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* Query don't copy

Queries the manifest to avoid copying the whole manifest when taking a snapshot of a penciller to run a query.

Change the logging of fold setup in the Bookie to record the actual snapshot time (rather than the uninteresting and fast returning the the function which will request the snapshot).

A little tidy to avoid duplicating the ?MAX_LEVELS macro.

* Clarify log is of snapshot time not fold time

* Updates after review
  • Loading branch information
martinsumner authored Oct 11, 2022
1 parent dcb6a24 commit 4664427
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Showing 5 changed files with 175 additions and 117 deletions.
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions include/leveled.hrl
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Expand Up @@ -24,6 +24,9 @@

-define(CACHE_TYPE, skpl).

-define(MAX_LEVELS, 8).
%% Should equal the length of the LEVEL_SCALEFACTOR

{level :: integer(),
Expand Down
139 changes: 83 additions & 56 deletions src/leveled_bookie.erl
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Expand Up @@ -181,12 +181,12 @@

put_countdown = 0 :: integer(),
get_countdown = 0 :: integer(),
fold_countdown = 0 :: integer(),
snapshot_countdown = 0 :: integer(),
head_countdown = 0 :: integer(),
cache_ratio = {0, 0, 0} :: cache_ratio(),
get_timings = no_timing :: get_timings(),
put_timings = no_timing :: put_timings(),
fold_timings = no_timing :: fold_timings(),
snapshot_timings = no_timing :: snapshot_timings(),
head_timings = no_timing :: head_timings()}).

Expand All @@ -204,18 +204,21 @@
ink_time = 0 :: integer(),
total_size = 0 :: integer()}).

-record(fold_timings, {sample_count = 0 :: integer(),
setup_time = 0 :: integer()}).
-record(snapshot_timings, {sample_count = 0 :: integer(),
bookie_time = 0 :: integer(),
pcl_time = 0 :: integer()}).

-type book_state() :: #state{}.
-type sync_mode() :: sync|none|riak_sync.
-type ledger_cache() :: #ledger_cache{}.
-type get_timings() :: no_timing|#get_timings{}.
-type put_timings() :: no_timing|#put_timings{}.
-type fold_timings() :: no_timing|#fold_timings{}.
-type snapshot_timings() :: no_timing|#snapshot_timings{}.
-type head_timings() :: no_timing|#head_timings{}.
-type timing_types() :: head|get|put|fold.
-type timings() ::
-type timing_types() :: head|get|put|snapshot.
-type cache_ratio() ::
{non_neg_integer(), non_neg_integer(), non_neg_integer()}.

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1476,26 +1479,27 @@ handle_call({snapshot, SnapType, Query, LongRunning}, _From, State) ->
% Snapshot the store, specifying if the snapshot should be long running
% (i.e. will the snapshot be queued or be required for an extended period
% e.g. many minutes)
Reply = snapshot_store(State, SnapType, Query, LongRunning),
{reply, Reply, State};
{ok, PclSnap, InkSnap, Timings} =
snapshot_store(State, SnapType, Query, LongRunning),
{UpdTimings, CountDown} =
update_statetimings(snapshot, Timings, State#state.snapshot_countdown),
{ok, PclSnap, InkSnap},
snapshot_timings = UpdTimings,
snapshot_countdown = CountDown}};
handle_call(log_settings, _From, State) ->
{reply, leveled_log:return_settings(), State};
handle_call({return_runner, QueryType}, _From, State) ->
SW = os:timestamp(),
Runner = get_runner(State, QueryType),
{_SW, Timings1} =
update_timings(SW, {fold, setup}, State#state.fold_timings),
{Timings, CountDown} =
update_statetimings(fold, Timings1, State#state.fold_countdown),
{reply, Runner, State#state{fold_timings = Timings,
fold_countdown = CountDown}};
{reply, Runner, State};
handle_call({compact_journal, Timeout}, _From, State)
when State#state.head_only == false ->
case leveled_inker:ink_compactionpending(State#state.inker) of
true ->
{reply, {busy, undefined}, State};
false ->
{ok, PclSnap, null} =
{ok, PclSnap, null, _Timings} =
snapshot_store(State, ledger, undefined, true),
R = leveled_inker:ink_compactjournal(State#state.inker,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1625,9 +1629,13 @@ loadqueue_ledgercache(Cache) ->
Cache#ledger_cache{load_queue = [], loader = T}.

-spec snapshot_store(ledger_cache(),
pid(), null|pid(), store|ledger,
undefined|tuple(), undefined|boolean()) ->
{ok, pid(), pid()|null}.
undefined|boolean()) ->
{ok, pid(), pid()|null, snapshot_timings()}.
%% @doc
%% Allow all a snapshot to be created from part of the store, preferably
%% passing in a query filter so that all of the LoopState does not need to
Expand All @@ -1642,38 +1650,49 @@ loadqueue_ledgercache(Cache) ->
%% setup, assuming the range is a small subset of the overall key space). If
%% lookup is required but the range isn't defined then 'undefined' should be
%% passed as the query
snapshot_store(LedgerCache, Penciller, Inker, SnapType, Query, LongRunning) ->
LedgerCache, Penciller, Inker, Timings, SnapType, Query, LongRunning) ->
TS0 = os:timestamp(),
LedgerCacheReady = readycache_forsnapshot(LedgerCache, Query),
BookiesMem = {LedgerCacheReady#ledger_cache.loader,
PCLopts = #penciller_options{start_snapshot = true,
source_penciller = Penciller,
snapshot_query = Query,
snapshot_longrunning = LongRunning,
bookies_pid = self(),
bookies_mem = BookiesMem},
PCLopts =
#penciller_options{start_snapshot = true,
source_penciller = Penciller,
snapshot_query = Query,
snapshot_longrunning = LongRunning,
bookies_pid = self(),
bookies_mem = BookiesMem},
{TS1, Timings1} = update_timings(TS0, {snapshot, bookie}, Timings),
{ok, LedgerSnapshot} = leveled_penciller:pcl_snapstart(PCLopts),
{_TS2, Timings2} = update_timings(TS1, {snapshot, pcl}, Timings1),
case SnapType of
store ->
InkerOpts = #inker_options{start_snapshot=true,
bookies_pid = self(),
{ok, JournalSnapshot} = leveled_inker:ink_snapstart(InkerOpts),
{ok, LedgerSnapshot, JournalSnapshot};
{ok, LedgerSnapshot, JournalSnapshot, Timings2};
ledger ->
{ok, LedgerSnapshot, null}
{ok, LedgerSnapshot, null, Timings2}

snapshot_store(LedgerCache, Penciller, Inker, SnapType, Query, LongRunning) ->
LedgerCache, Penciller, Inker, no_timing, SnapType, Query, LongRunning).

snapshot_store(State, SnapType, Query, LongRunning) ->

-spec fetch_value(pid(), leveled_codec:journal_ref()) -> not_present|any().
%% @doc
%% Fetch a value from the Journal
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1838,7 +1857,8 @@ set_options(Opts) ->
return_snapfun(State, SnapType, Query, LongRunning, SnapPreFold) ->
case SnapPreFold of
true ->
{ok, LS, JS} = snapshot_store(State, SnapType, Query, LongRunning),
{ok, LS, JS, _Timings} =
snapshot_store(State, SnapType, Query, LongRunning),
fun() -> {ok, LS, JS} end;
false ->
Self = self(),
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2476,12 +2496,8 @@ delete_path(DirPath) ->
%%% Timing Functions

-spec update_statetimings(timing_types(),
-spec update_statetimings(timing_types(), timings(), integer()) ->
{timings(), integer()}.
%% @doc
%% The timings state is either in countdown to the next set of samples of
Expand All @@ -2497,8 +2513,8 @@ update_statetimings(put, no_timing, 0) ->
{#put_timings{}, 0};
update_statetimings(get, no_timing, 0) ->
{#get_timings{}, 0};
update_statetimings(fold, no_timing, 0) ->
{#fold_timings{}, 0};
update_statetimings(snapshot, no_timing, 0) ->
{#snapshot_timings{}, 0};
update_statetimings(head, Timings, 0) ->
case Timings#head_timings.sample_count of
Expand All @@ -2523,12 +2539,12 @@ update_statetimings(get, Timings, 0) ->
_SC ->
{Timings, 0}
update_statetimings(fold, Timings, 0) ->
case Timings#fold_timings.sample_count of
SC when SC >= (?TIMING_SAMPLESIZE div 10) ->
log_timings(fold, Timings),
update_statetimings(snapshot, Timings, 0) ->
case Timings#snapshot_timings.sample_count of
log_timings(snapshot, Timings),
leveled_rand:uniform(2 * (?TIMING_SAMPLECOUNTDOWN div 10))};
leveled_rand:uniform(2 * ?TIMING_SAMPLECOUNTDOWN)};
_SC ->
{Timings, 0}
Expand All @@ -2550,15 +2566,17 @@ log_timings(get, Timings) ->
log_timings(fold, Timings) ->
leveled_log:log("B0017", [Timings#fold_timings.sample_count,
log_timings(snapshot, Timings) ->
leveled_log:log("B0017", [Timings#snapshot_timings.sample_count,

update_timings(_SW, _Stage, no_timing) ->
{no_timing, no_timing};
update_timings(SW, {head, Stage}, Timings) ->
Timer = timer:now_diff(os:timestamp(), SW),
NextSW = os:timestamp(),
Timer = timer:now_diff(NextSW, SW),
Timings0 =
case Stage of
pcl ->
Expand All @@ -2569,9 +2587,10 @@ update_timings(SW, {head, Stage}, Timings) ->
CNT = Timings#head_timings.sample_count + 1,
Timings#head_timings{buildhead_time = BHT, sample_count = CNT}
{os:timestamp(), Timings0};
{NextSW, Timings0};
update_timings(SW, {put, Stage}, Timings) ->
Timer = timer:now_diff(os:timestamp(), SW),
NextSW = os:timestamp(),
Timer = timer:now_diff(NextSW, SW),
Timings0 =
case Stage of
{inker, ObjectSize} ->
Expand All @@ -2583,24 +2602,32 @@ update_timings(SW, {put, Stage}, Timings) ->
CNT = Timings#put_timings.sample_count + 1,
Timings#put_timings{mem_time = PCT, sample_count = CNT}
{os:timestamp(), Timings0};
{NextSW, Timings0};
update_timings(SW, {get, head}, Timings) ->
Timer = timer:now_diff(os:timestamp(), SW),
NextSW = os:timestamp(),
Timer = timer:now_diff(NextSW, SW),
GHT = Timings#get_timings.head_time + Timer,
CNT = Timings#get_timings.sample_count + 1,
Timings0 = Timings#get_timings{head_time = GHT, sample_count = CNT},
{os:timestamp(), Timings0};
{NextSW, Timings0};
update_timings(SW, {get, body}, Timings) ->
Timer = timer:now_diff(os:timestamp(), SW),
GBT = Timings#get_timings.body_time + Timer,
FCNT = Timings#get_timings.fetch_count + 1,
Timings0 = Timings#get_timings{body_time = GBT, fetch_count = FCNT},
{no_timing, Timings0};
update_timings(SW, {fold, setup}, Timings) ->
Timer = timer:now_diff(os:timestamp(), SW),
FST = Timings#fold_timings.setup_time + Timer,
CNT = Timings#fold_timings.sample_count + 1,
Timings0 = Timings#fold_timings{setup_time = FST, sample_count = CNT},
update_timings(SW, {snapshot, bookie}, Timings) ->
NextSW = os:timestamp(),
Timer = timer:now_diff(NextSW, SW),
BST = Timings#snapshot_timings.bookie_time + Timer,
CNT = Timings#snapshot_timings.sample_count + 1,
Timings0 = Timings#snapshot_timings{bookie_time = BST, sample_count = CNT},
{NextSW, Timings0};
update_timings(SW, {snapshot, pcl}, Timings) ->
NextSW = os:timestamp(),
Timer = timer:now_diff(NextSW, SW),
PST = Timings#snapshot_timings.pcl_time + Timer,
Timings0 = Timings#snapshot_timings{pcl_time = PST},
{no_timing, Timings0}.

Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/leveled_log.erl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
{info, "Get timing with sample_count=~w and head_time=~w body_time=~w"
++ " with fetch_count=~w"}},
{info, "Fold timing with sample_count=~w and setup_time=~w"}},
{info, "Snapshot timing with sample_count=~w and bookie_time=~w pcl_time=~w"}},
{info, "Positive HEAD responses timed with sample_count=~w and "
++ " pcl_time=~w rsp_time=~w"}},
Expand Down

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