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Corrections for IDF version >= 4.3 and Tap detection in L58 touch IC from Lilygo parallel epaper EPD047

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@martinberlin martinberlin released this 20 Apr 11:11
· 278 commits to master since this release

In this release we corrected some issues discovered after upgrading Espressif IDF framework to 4.4 (Latest master)
Small issues with the I2C touch, while testing other things where corrected and polished, so now is safe to say that touch works better and has real "Tap detection"

By Tap detection I mean having events (3 press, 0 release) and measuring the difference in time between them. If it's less than 150 millis, then it's a Tap, of course this number can be freely updated in the class. Didn't made it a class property since I though is not so relevant, but we can do it in next release if someone needs to fine-tune it.

Proof of concept video in Twitter