This respository is for maintaining my Vagrant Box Templates using Packer which create machine images running a LAMP-Stack.
If you want to create the LAMP box yourself, you can do so with the following command in the "lamp" directory:
packer build -except="vaground-cloud" -var "version=1.0.0" -var-file="debian-12.4-amd64.json" .\lamp.json
The pre-built virtual machine (Virtualbox) is available on Vagrant Cloud. To start the virtual machine you need VirtualBox at least v7.0 and Vagrant at least v2. I recommend the latest version v2.4.1.
Use the pre-built virtual machine by changing to a directory such as dev.local and initialize the box with Vagrant:
mkdir dev.local
cd dev.local
vagrant init -m manhart/lamp
vagrant up
The box uses symbolic links. Under Windows this has to be activated separately.
The following optional variables are available in the Vagrantfile to customize the box:
VM_NAME = 'dev.local';
VM_IP = '';
VM_SSH_PORT = '22022';
If you want to use more or different virtual hosts, you can add them to the Vagrantfile. The associated self-signed SSL/TLS certificates are also created for each VHost, e.g.:
HOSTNAME = VM_NAME.split('.')[0];
"server_name": "#{HOSTNAME}.local",
"server_alias": ["*.#{HOSTNAME}.local"],
"document_root": "/virtualweb/#{HOSTNAME}.local",
"enable_http": true,
"enable_https": true,
"env_vars": {
"_RelativeRoot": "..",
"_Stage": "develop",
"_SQL_Host": "vagrant@localhost",
"_DefaultSessionDuration": "14400"
"server_name": "app.local",
"document_root": "/virtualweb/app.local",
"enable_http": true,
"enable_https": true,
"env_vars": {
"_RelativeRoot": "..",
"_Stage": "develop",
"_SQL_Host": "",
"_DefaultSessionDuration": "14400"
By default, the box is configured with the following user data:
Username: vagrant Password: vagrant
- Debian 12.4
- Apache 2.4.57
- PHP 8.3, 8.2, 8.1, 7.4 with Xdebug 3, sqlsrv, pdo_sqlsrv and a lot more
- MariaDB 10.11
- Composer 2.6.6
- Node.js 20.11
- MailCatcher 0.8.0
- phpMyAdmin 5.2.1
- mysqltuner 2.2.12