Hungarian language pack for Flarum forum software (and for its extensions).
NOTE: If you want to use this language pack with Flarum 0.1.0 Beta 7, then download the v1.0b version.
The pack includes translated files for the core software and for the following extensions:
- Akismet
- Approval
- FaceBook Login
- GitHub Login
- Twitter Login
- Emoji
- Flags
- Likes
- Lock
- Markdown
- Mentions
- Pusher
- Statistics
- Sticky
- Subscriptions
- Suspend
- Tags
To install this language pack to your Flarum, you will need Composer. Run the following command in the location where your Flarum is installed:
composer require manaszon/flarum-ext-hungarian
Thanks to Moment.js for the locale/config.js
Thanks to Laravel Language for the locale/validation.yml