At Magic Machine, we use git
with branches to contribute new features. You'll
be expected to merge your changes alongside others and deal with merge conflicts
along the way, if they come up.
An important tool for using git is git rebase
and this challenge will test
your ability to use it properly.
There are two pull requests open on this repo. The changes in each pull request are in a branch and each branch adds a new feature to the game.
The challenge is to use git rebase
to add both changes to master
When you are finished, your master
branch should have three commits, in the following order:
* added sha256
* added uppercase
* init
Any errors, missing features, missing tests, or failing tests will disqualify the solution.
How to attempt this challenge:
- Create a new repo in your Github account and note the git url
- Clone this repo
- Solve the challenge
- Set your new repo as the origin:
git remote set-url origin ${your repo url}
- Push your solution to your repo
You must follow these steps for your solution to be accepted -- forks or other methods will not be considered.