12-Step Recovery is an Android companion app for recoverymeetingfinder.com. When it is finished it aims to provide reading materials, daily quotes, reading material, motivational images, an in-person meeting map and motivational speaker tapes.
This repository contains the source code for the Android Studio Java project.
We are looking for contributors who want to help finish the app. The issue list outlines the features which still need work or have not been implemented yet.
Here are some screenshots of the app runnning in development mode:
The app can be downloaded from the Google Play store here.
You can view a demo video of the app here.
If you have a slow internet connection or project import and gradle build is taking a long time.
Download gradle build dependencies here.
Place in the $installPath\12-Step-Recovery-Guide\12-Step Recovery\gradle\wrapper\
Open Gradle Scripts\gradle-wrapper.properties.
Comment out:
// distributionUrl=https\://services.gradle.org/distributions/gradle-8.9-bin.zip
and uncomment:
If you want to work on the unfinished Meetings, Audio, Program or More fragment implementations:
Uncomment the fragment you want to work on in res/layout/menu/bottom_nav_menu.xml