C and Python tools to build FRU images for AMC and FMC boards
On the repository root directory run
$ make
This command will generate 2 binaries: amc-fru
and fmc-fru
. You can run them independently with the following commands:
$ ./amc-fru output_dir serial_number
$ ./fmc-fru output_dir serial_number
Both executables will build a binary FRU image based on the information present in the headers in user/ folder, user_amc_fru.h and user_fmc_fru.h respectively for each board type.
In order to generate several similar FRU images at once just varying the serial number, for a production batch for example, one can use the fru-deploy.py in script/ folder.
For AMC/AFC boards:
$ cd scripts/
$ python fru-deploy.py --board amc --start 1300101001 --end 1300101020 --dir output_dir
For FMC boards:
$ cd scripts/
$ python fru-deploy.py --board fmc --start 1400101001 --end 1400101020 --dir output_dir