This is a corpus containing all the lyrics of Mazzy Star's albums.
Mazzy Star is an American alternative rock band.
The language of the corpus is English.
Due to copyright, the lyric corpus in txt files is not uploaded.
It consists of metadata csv files, metadata and linguistic annotation csv files, and preprocess and annotation process codes on a Jupyternotebook file.
Metadata and data sources are and
If there are any missing items, please provide me with the information. I will supply as soon as possible.
The corpus may be updated in the future if Mazzy Star realise new creations.
Mazzy Star fans
Researchers in the fields of linguistics, music studies, culture analysis, literature studies, media studies, .etc
Multiple linguistic analysis
For appreciation
Every song of the Mazzy Star's works is contained in this corpus. Any duplicated song is removed.
I downloaded the text from the website.
removing extra spaces in the texts
fixing documents by checking typos in the texts and correcting these errors
merging the metadata csv and txt files
tool: spaCy
annotations: Doc, tokens, lemmas, POS, proper nouns, named entities, corresponding words to named entities
txt and csv
TITLE: file name of each txt, also the title of the song
ALBUM: the album that the song of the lyric belongs to
YEAR : the year when the song/album/EP released
TYPE : in which form the song of the lyric was released, in an album, in the EP , or as the single
Text: the contents of the lyric
Document: the original text exactly as it appears in the text file
Doc: the original text and all of the linguistic annotations obtained when spaCy processed the text
Tokens: a list of tokens where the words, spaces, and punctuation markers in the Tokens column are separated by commas
Lemmas: the retrieval of the dictionary root word of each word
POS: the simple universal part-of-speech of each token in a text (such as noun, verb, adjective, adverb), and detailed tagging, which uses a larger, more fine-grained set of part-of-speech tags (for example 3rd person singular present verb)
Proper_Nouns : words which have been fitted with the proper noun tag
Named_Entities: tags of named entities in the text, such as names, dates, organizations, and locations
NE_Words:objects of named entity tags