Now you can run tests written in gherkin using jest.
First, install:
$ yarn add --dev gherkin-jest
Then, add to your jest config:
"transform": {
"^.+\\.feature$": "gherkin-jest"
"setupFiles": ["<rootDir>/test/support"],
"testMatch": ["**/*.test.ts", "**/*.feature"],
"moduleFileExtensions": ["js", "jsx", "ts", "tsx", "feature"],
Define your steps in the setup file:
const { cucumber } = require('gherkin-jest');
cucumber.defineCreateWorld(() => {
return {
a: null,
b: null,
answer: null
cucumber.defineRule('I have numbers {int} and {int}', (world, a, b) => {
world.a = a;
world.b = b;
cucumber.defineRule('I add them', (world) => {
world.answer = world.a + world.b;
cucumber.defineRule('I get {int}', (world, answer) => {
Write a test:
Feature: using feature files in jest
As a developer
I want to write tests in cucumber
So that the business can understand my tests
Scenario: a simple arithmetic test
Given I have numbers 3 and 4
When I add them
Then I get 7
This package just wraps the stucumber package to make a Jest transformer. More details on the flavour of Gherkin used and how to set up supporting code can be found in that package's documentation.