Support of long in markings and inscriptions
This release brings a _backwards incompatible change_ to the API, but has not been properly tagged. It is more than a simple compatible bug fix, as version 2.2.10 would have suggested.
_It should have become 3.0.0_ instead to warn you about the incompatible change. Since it has already been propagated to Maven Central, you should either stick to 2.2.9, or migrate to 2.2.10 with the knowledge of the incompatible change, explained hereafter.
The standard sets no upper bound limit on the value space of integers to set markings and inscriptions in the nets. The corresponding XML type represents the mathematical concept of non-negative integers or positive integers. Therefore, their value space is the infinite set, i.e. {0, 1, 2, ...} for non-negative integers, or {1, 2, 3, ...} for positive integers. The implementation should then use at least the type "long" for their representation.