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CAPI Bootstrap


Building Requirements

Note: Using devbox will install necessary requirements to build/run this project, dependencies can be installed outside Devbox as well

  • (Optional) Devbox
    • Golang
    • clusterctl
    • kubectl

Getting started

Note: if you are using devbox, enter into a shell using devbox shell before running these commands to use its integration.

  1. Build clusterctl-bootstrap

    make all
  2. Set environment variables

    Ensure you have also configured any environment variables needed by the infrastructure and backend providers

    # if you are not using devbox, add ./bin/ to your path so clusterctl will recognize it as a plugin 
    export PATH=$PATH:./bin/
    # set the name of your cluster
    export CLUSTER_NAME=test-cluster
  3. Create a cluster

    Note: If you are not using devbox make sure to run export PATH=$PATH:./bin/

    clusterctl generate cluster $CLUSTER_NAME --control-plane-machine-count=3 --worker-machine-count=3   --kubernetes-version v1.29.4+k3s1     --infrastructure linode-linode:v0.6.0  --flavor k3s > test-cluster-k3s.yaml
    clusterctl bootstrap cluster -m test-cluster-k3s.yaml --backend s3
    # I0603 10:12:51.190936   70482 cluster.go:85] cluster name: test-cluster
    # I0603 10:12:51.814196   70482 cluster.go:116] Created NodeBalancer: test-cluster
    # I0603 10:12:53.447277   70482 cluster.go:165] Created Linode Instance: test-cluster-bootstrap
    # I0603 10:12:53.644074   70482 cluster.go:185] Created NodeBalancer Node: test-cluster-bootstrap
    # I0603 10:12:53.644124   70482 cluster.go:186] Bootstrap Node IP: <bootstrap IP>
  4. Get kubeconfig for cluster

    clusterctl bootstrap get kubeconfig $CLUSTER_NAME --backend s3 > test-kubeconfig
  5. Connect to cluster

    KUBECONFIG=./test-kubeconfig kubectl get nodes                                                                                                                                                                                                                            ✔  ▼  kind-tilt ⎈  impure  
    NAME                               STATUS   ROLES                       AGE   VERSION
    test-cluster-bootstrap             Ready    control-plane,etcd,master   24m   v1.29.5
    test-cluster-control-plane-7pgmx   Ready    control-plane,etcd,master   17m   v1.29.5
    test-cluster-control-plane-gnq5g   Ready    control-plane,etcd,master   19m   v1.29.5
  6. Delete cluster

    clusterctl bootstrap delete --force $CLUSTER_NAME                                                                                                                                                                                                                           ✔  4s   ▼  impure  
    # I0603 10:42:33.972689   73227 delete.go:67] Will delete instances:
    # I0603 10:42:33.972940   73227 delete.go:69]   Label: test-cluster-bootstrap, ID: 2345534
    # I0603 10:42:33.972952   73227 delete.go:69]   Label: test-cluster-control-plane-gnq5g, ID: 23452345
    # I0603 10:42:33.972960   73227 delete.go:69]   Label: test-cluster-control-plane-7pgmx, ID: 52764566
    # I0603 10:42:34.080395   73227 delete.go:78] Will delete NodeBalancer:
    # I0603 10:42:34.080429   73227 delete.go:79]   Label: test-cluster, ID: 7856756
    # I0603 10:42:34.080443   73227 delete.go:97] Deleting resources:
    # I0603 10:42:34.574166   73227 delete.go:103]   Deleted Instance test-cluster-bootstrap
    # I0603 10:42:35.010239   73227 delete.go:103]   Deleted Instance test-cluster-control-plane-gnq5g
    # I0603 10:42:35.503298   73227 delete.go:103]   Deleted Instance test-cluster-control-plane-7pgmx
    # I0603 10:42:35.730360   73227 delete.go:110]   Deleted NodeBalancer test-cluster

Supported providers

Infrastructure Providers

  • Linode
    • Identifying Resources - Resources used to identify the infrastructure provider from the parsed manifests.
      • LinodeCluster
    • Supported Versions - Supported provider versions for parsing manifests
      • v1alpha2
    • Environment Variables - Required and optional environment variables used to bootstrap a cluster
    # [REQUIRED] needed to create the bootstrap VM in the new cluster
    # used for connecting to machines directly for debug steps

ControlPlane Providers

  • K3s
    • Identifying resources - Resources used to identify the Controlplane provider from the parsed manifests.
      • KthreesControlPlane
    • Supported Versions - Supported provider versions for parsing manifests
      • v1beta1

Backend Providers

  • S3
    • Environment Variables - Required and optional environment variables used to bootstrap a cluster
    # [REQUIRED] Bucket Access Key
    # [REQUIRED] Bucket Secret Key
    # [REQUIRED] Bucket name
    export AWS_BUCKET_NAME=capi-bootstrap-bucket
    # region of the bucket if regional buckets are being used
    export AWS_REGION=us-east-1
    # base S3 endpoint if this is not the AWS default
    export AWS_ENDPOINT=


Cluster API self-managed cluster bootstrapping







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