Challenges in Generalization in Open Domain Question Answering. In NAACL Findings, 2022.
title={Challenges in Generalization in Open Domain Question Answering},
author={Liu, Linqing and Lewis, Patrick and Riedel, Sebastian and Stenetorp, Pontus},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2109.01156},
This repository contains the annotated data and evaluation script to reproduce our evaluation methods.
decomposed_questions: Each question is decomposed into the following atoms. We initially depend on these atoms to select candidates for the overlap, comp-gen, and novel-entity categories based on their definitions.
{'id': 0,
'text': 'who got the first nobel prize in physics',
'wiki_entities': [['Nobel Prize in Physics', 'nobel prize in physics']],
'wiki_entities_pos': [('26650', 4, 8)],
'verb': 'got',
'other_args': ['first'],
'answers': ['Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen'],
'question_word': 'who'}
annotations: Each question is paired with a human verified label ('overlap', 'comp_gen', 'novel_entity'). The evaluations should be made according to these labels.
open_domain_qa_data: Test set with reference answers for each dataset.
predictions: Sample predictions from DPR model on NaturalQuestions Test set.
Please run the commmand below to evaluate your modes' predictions:
$ python --dataset naturalquestions --predictions predictions/test.dpr.nq.txt
label: total
Exact Match Score: 0.41274238227146814
label: overlap
Exact Match Score: 0.7132616487455197
label: comp_gen
Exact Match Score: 0.25882352941176473
label: novel_entity
Exact Match Score: 0.33835845896147404