A small tool to split your program log(e.g. nginx access log) This tool works with crontab or some other dispatchers. It needs a conf file in 'ini' format and the default path is /etc/logsplitter.ini.
leojindeMacBook-Pro:LogSplitter leojin$ ./log_splitter -h
Usage: ./log_splitter [options] [args] section1 section2 ...
--config-file <PATH> : set the path of configfile
-c DEFAULT: /etc/logsplitter.ini
--test : just check the config file
--help : display this usage
The tool needs python 2.7.
With --config-file
, you can use custom path for your conf file.
With --test
, you can just test your config instead of running the split program directly.
'Sections' is the same concept in 'ini' file. Every section is an independent conf for a log split task.
All the options are described detailly in the conf.ini.(e.g. you can copy it to /etc
and rename it to 'logsplitter.ini')
Keep the default section and its options is helpful, unless you want to write all the options.
Except the default section, i have another two.
file_path = /data/log/service/blog/blog_access.log
file_action = back
split_granularity = hour
server_pid_file = /data/var/nginx/nginx.pid
backup_path = /data/bak
custom_command = echo `date` "Access Blog Done"
file_path = /data/log/service/weixin/weixin_access.log
file_action = back
split_granularity = hour
server_pid_file = /data/var/nginx/nginx.pid
backup_path = /data/bak
custom_command = echo `date` "Access Weixin Done"
And here is my crontab config
0 * * * * /root/opbin/logSplitter/log_splitter ACCESS_BLOG ACCESS_WEIXIN >> /root/opbin/logSplitter/runtime.log 2>&1
This config helps me split the log, compress the log, delete the log, and reload the server config(it works with nginx/httpd by sending an 'usr1' signal to the main process, so you need to set the server_pid_file
Logs splited by different granularity need to run separately. For example if you have those two sections:
file_path = log_file_1
file_action = back
split_granularity = day
file_path = log_file_2
file_action = back
split_granularity = hour
Then you need two crontab commands:
0 0 * * * /root/opbin/logSplitter/log_splitter SPLIT_DAY
0 * * * * /root/opbin/logSplitter/log_splitter SPLIT_HOUR