Many applications require that credit cards be accepted. Security for this information is of the upmost importance. Most user flows will allow for the creation of a user and of credit cards separately, but sometimes, an application requires that both be submitted at the same time.
Using CakePHP's latest stable build - - Stripe's PHP - - and JS - - libraries and our Payment Manager plugin - - create a single page that will register a user and allow the user to enter a credit card at the same time. The user should have the following fields: first name, last name, email. The credit card should have: card number, expiration date, cvv2/cvc2.
This user and the credit card information associated with it should be saved to a database.
Make all fields required and errors should be displayed to the user, especially errors with the credit card.
- Fork this repository
- Register for a free account and use the sk_test and pk_test keys in the application
- Create a branch with your name
- Add whatever code is necessary to make your application complete the challenge immediately above. There is no time limit for solving this problem.
- Make sure to commit your database.
- When you have made your final commit, submit your code by sending a pull request to this repository. Also send an email to [email protected] to notify of your completion.
- Install packages with composer.
- Install and use the Environment Manager plugin - - and setup your local environment through it.
- Install and use the Notification Manager plugin - - and send an email to the new user using the NotificationUtility library.