released this
08 Feb 10:43
31 commits
to refs/heads/release-2.11
since this release
2.11.0-rc2 (2023-02-08)
- #16762 Image bumps for Eventing - rel 2.11 (@mfaizanse)
- #16759 Fix compare stream config - Release 2.11 (@mfaizanse)
Committers: 1
- Muhammad Faizan (@mfaizanse)
2.11.0-rc1 (2023-02-06)
Api Gateway
Application Connector
- #16725 Bump AC images (@franpog859)
- #16680 Bump the net library images (@franpog859)
- #16489 Remove dependencies to kyma-integration Namespace (@mvshao)
- #16723 Use standardised tag for function webhook image (@kwiatekus)
- #16709 Conform serverless webhooks with gardener hibernation constaints (@kwiatekus)
- #16715 Replace serverless PR tags (@pPrecel)
- #16714 Upgrade runtimes bases (@pPrecel)
- #16695 Upgrade serverless images (@pPrecel)
- #16675 Fix empty response case from async nodejs16 runtime (@kwiatekus)
- #16642 Improve webhook logs (@pPrecel)
- #16561 Bump k8s-tools image (@halamix2)
- #16489 Remove dependencies to kyma-integration Namespace (@mvshao)
- #16583 Upgrade serverless tags (@pPrecel)
- #16576 Upgrade golang version for all otters components (@pPrecel)
- #16728 Disabled NATS security context (@mfaizanse)
- #16721 Eventing image bumps (@mfaizanse)
- #16681 Configure PSA for Eventing components (@marcobebway)
- #16690 Bump NATS image to 2.9.11 (@mfaizanse)
- #15907 language review Eventing Controller (@NHingerl)
- #16671 validate source for valid URI (@raypinto)
- #16632 Dependencies bump for Eventing controller and EPP (@mfaizanse)
- #16510 improve application name parsing from request path (@k15r)
Service Mesh
- #16682 update of alpine and golang version for telemetry/observability images (@a-thaler)
- #16654 Upgrade Fluent Bit to 2.0 (@skhalash)
- #16547 Add PeerAuthentication to scrape Fluent Bit via plain http (@skhalash)
- #16565 removed unused autoscaling settings for fluentbit (@a-thaler)
- #16719 Add documentation for custom header usage in TracePipelines (@chrkl)
- #16701 Add custom header support for TracePipeline output (@chrkl)
- #16689 More resilient telemetry integration test (@hisarbalik)
- #16666 Fix TracePipeline has wrong status (@hisarbalik)
- #16489 Remove dependencies to kyma-integration Namespace (@mvshao)
- #16567 Add debug ability to the telemetry operator (@rakesh-garimella)
- #16601 Set log level in trace collector (@chrkl)
- #16598 Fix wrong TLS setting for endpoints defined in a secret (@hisarbalik)
- #16558 OpenTelemetry filter processor (@hisarbalik)
- #16575 Jaeger deprecation (@Teneroy)
- #16485 Add pprof profiling to telemetry-operator (@chrkl)
- #16592 Refactor creating otel collector configuration (@chrkl)
- #16574 Add logging exporter to otel collector (@chrkl)
- #16487 Trace pipelines busola extension (@Teneroy)
- #16517 Fix otel collector restart (@chrkl)
- #15907 language review Eventing Controller (@NHingerl)
- #16670 Update info on Kyma Dashboard (@IwonaLanger)
- #16489 Remove dependencies to kyma-integration Namespace (@mvshao)
- #16542 Compass Runtime Agent, skipVerify to Kyma installation command (@mvshao)
Committers: 28
- Aleksei Chernyshov (@Teneroy)
- Andreas Thaler (@a-thaler)
- Antonio Maradiaga (@ajmaradiaga)
- Bartosz Chwila (@barchw)
- Christoph Kleineweber (@chrkl)
- Filip Strózik (@pPrecel)
- Franciszek Pogodziński (@franpog859)
- Grzegorz Karaluch (@grego952)
- Hisar Balik (@hisarbalik)
- Iwona Langer (@IwonaLanger)
- Jan Mędrek (@janmedrek)
- Jan Wozniak (@wozniakjan)
- Korbinian Stoemmer (@k15r)
- Krzysztof Kwiatosz (@kwiatekus)
- Mansur Uralov (@muralov)
- Marco Bebway (@marcobebway)
- Muhammad Faizan (@mfaizanse)
- Natalia Sitko (@nataliasitko)
- Nina Hingerl (@NHingerl)
- Piotr Halama (@halamix2)
- Rafal Foks (@mvshao)
- Rakesh Garimella (@rakesh-garimella)
- Raymond Pinto (@raypinto)
- Stanislav Khalash (@skhalash)
- Tim Riffer (@triffer)
- Vladimir Videlov (@videlov)
- Vladislav Paskar (@vpaskar)
- Wojciech Nawa (@VOID404)