With love for cloud-native technologies in our hearts and lots of cool ideas in our minds, we've got through the middle of this snowy and cloudy winter season. Now that we have reached the 2.11 milestone, we can share what we accomplished during this part of the journey. Version 2.11 of Kyma comes with a few exciting improvements, such as Fluent Bit DaemonSet fully managed by the operator, Istio and Fluent Bit upgrades, the new finalizer for APIRule CR, and that is by no means all. Read on to find out the rest of the news.
Application Connectivity
With Kyma 2.11, we introduced the encodeUrl parameter, which allows you to control whether Application Gateway encodes URL characters. Set the parameter to false
so that the URL path remains unchanged or to true
to enable the encoding. For example, if the encodeUrl is set to true
, the /app/api/sample(1%2C2%2C3)%2FescapingURL
path changes to /app/api/sample%281%2C2%2C3%29/escaping
. When it is set to false
, the /app/api/sample(1%2C2%2C3)%2Fescaping
path stays intact.
Kiali was deprecated with Kyma 2.8 and removed with Kyma 2.11. If you want to continue using it, follow the steps in the Kiali example to deploy your custom Kiali.
From this Kyma release, the tracing component is deprecated. It will be removed with Kyma 2.14. If you want to continue using Jaeger, follow the steps in the Jaeger example to deploy your custom Jaeger.
To run the Telemetry module as a fully self-contained solution with all the resources managed by the module operator, we introduced a series of changes and improvements. With Kyma 2.11, we completed the process and released Fluent Bit DaemonSet fully managed by the operator. From now, the Fluent Bit installation can be provisioned on-demand only if the user requests a LogPipeline. The Fluent Bit settings are managed by the module operator and can no longer be influenced directly using the module Helm values.
The Fluent Bit DaemonSet got upgraded to the new major version 2. Besides the performance improvements, the 2.0.8 version introduces OTLP support and enables the Kyma team to start working on the official OTLP support for LogPipelines.
We fixed a bug so that the log files are always read from the beginning when starting a Fluent Bit instance on a newly provisioned node.
System traces emitted by Istio, for example, while communicating with the trace-collector, are now filtered out by default. We also added the extension for TracePipelines to Kyma Dashboard and fixed a bug that caused the TracePipeline status not to reflect the status of the managed trace-collector properly.
With version 2.11 of Kyma, we introduced support for custom headers on the OTLP output that enables integrations to providers with native OTLP support, such as Dynatrace.
API Gateway
With this version of API Gateway, we improved the status handling, added the finalizer for APIRule CR, fixed the bug related to APIRule CR conversion, and resolved the reconciling CPU issue for Azure.
Service Mesh
With Kyma 2.11, we upgraded Istio 1.16.1 to version 1.16.2. Read the official Istio 1.16.2 release notes to learn more about the changes.
We finally removed the PodPreset functionality that was deprecated with Kyma 2.4. For more information, read the deprecation note.
NATS server
The NATS-Server image was updated to version 2.9.11. For more details, take a look at the NATS-Server release notes.
2.11.0-rc2 (2023-02-08)
- #16762 Image bumps for Eventing - rel 2.11 (@mfaizanse)
- #16759 Fix compare stream config - Release 2.11 (@mfaizanse)
Committers: 1
- Muhammad Faizan (@mfaizanse)
2.11.0-rc1 (2023-02-06)
Api Gateway
Application Connector
- #16725 Bump AC images (@franpog859)
- #16680 Bump the net library images (@franpog859)
- #16489 Remove dependencies to kyma-integration Namespace (@mvshao)
- #16723 Use standardised tag for function webhook image (@kwiatekus)
- #16709 Conform serverless webhooks with gardener hibernation constaints (@kwiatekus)
- #16715 Replace serverless PR tags (@pPrecel)
- #16714 Upgrade runtimes bases (@pPrecel)
- #16695 Upgrade serverless images (@pPrecel)
- #16675 Fix empty response case from async nodejs16 runtime (@kwiatekus)
- #16642 Improve webhook logs (@pPrecel)
- #16561 Bump k8s-tools image (@halamix2)
- #16489 Remove dependencies to kyma-integration Namespace (@mvshao)
- #16583 Upgrade serverless tags (@pPrecel)
- #16576 Upgrade golang version for all otters components (@pPrecel)
- #16728 Disabled NATS security context (@mfaizanse)
- #16721 Eventing image bumps (@mfaizanse)
- #16681 Configure PSA for Eventing components (@marcobebway)
- #16690 Bump NATS image to 2.9.11 (@mfaizanse)
- #15907 language review Eventing Controller (@NHingerl)
- #16671 validate source for valid URI (@raypinto)
- #16632 Dependencies bump for Eventing controller and EPP (@mfaizanse)
- #16510 improve application name parsing from request path (@k15r)
Service Mesh
- #16682 update of alpine and golang version for telemetry/observability images (@a-thaler)
- #16654 Upgrade Fluent Bit to 2.0 (@skhalash)
- #16547 Add PeerAuthentication to scrape Fluent Bit via plain http (@skhalash)
- #16565 removed unused autoscaling settings for fluentbit (@a-thaler)
- #16719 Add documentation for custom header usage in TracePipelines (@chrkl)
- #16701 Add custom header support for TracePipeline output (@chrkl)
- #16689 More resilient telemetry integration test (@hisarbalik)
- #16666 Fix TracePipeline has wrong status (@hisarbalik)
- #16489 Remove dependencies to kyma-integration Namespace (@mvshao)
- #16567 Add debug ability to the telemetry operator (@rakesh-garimella)
- #16601 Set log level in trace collector (@chrkl)
- #16598 Fix wrong TLS setting for endpoints defined in a secret (@hisarbalik)
- #16558 OpenTelemetry filter processor (@hisarbalik)
- #16575 Jaeger deprecation (@Teneroy)
- #16485 Add pprof profiling to telemetry-operator (@chrkl)
- #16592 Refactor creating otel collector configuration (@chrkl)
- #16574 Add logging exporter to otel collector (@chrkl)
- #16487 Trace pipelines busola extension (@Teneroy)
- #16517 Fix otel collector restart (@chrkl)
- #15907 language review Eventing Controller (@NHingerl)
- #16670 Update info on Kyma Dashboard (@IwonaLanger)
- #16489 Remove dependencies to kyma-integration Namespace (@mvshao)
- #16542 Compass Runtime Agent, skipVerify to Kyma installation command (@mvshao)
Committers: 28
- Aleksei Chernyshov (@Teneroy)
- Andreas Thaler (@a-thaler)
- Antonio Maradiaga (@ajmaradiaga)
- Bartosz Chwila (@barchw)
- Christoph Kleineweber (@chrkl)
- Filip Strózik (@pPrecel)
- Franciszek Pogodziński (@franpog859)
- Grzegorz Karaluch (@grego952)
- Hisar Balik (@hisarbalik)
- Iwona Langer (@IwonaLanger)
- Jan Mędrek (@janmedrek)
- Jan Wozniak (@wozniakjan)
- Korbinian Stoemmer (@k15r)
- Krzysztof Kwiatosz (@kwiatekus)
- Mansur Uralov (@muralov)
- Marco Bebway (@marcobebway)
- Muhammad Faizan (@mfaizanse)
- Natalia Sitko (@nataliasitko)
- Nina Hingerl (@NHingerl)
- Piotr Halama (@halamix2)
- Rafal Foks (@mvshao)
- Rakesh Garimella (@rakesh-garimella)
- Raymond Pinto (@raypinto)
- Stanislav Khalash (@skhalash)
- Tim Riffer (@triffer)
- Vladimir Videlov (@videlov)
- Vladislav Paskar (@vpaskar)
- Wojciech Nawa (@VOID404)