Typed, Declarative, Data-Driven Routing for Node.js.
Retes is a routing library for Node.js written in TypeScript and inspired by Clojure's Ring, Compojure and Retit. It is built directly on top of the Node.js http
module, so you can use it as an alternative to Express or Koa.
- Data-Driven: In Retes you define routes using the existing data structures. This way, we limit the number of abstractions and we are able to easily transform and combine routes. Our routing description is declarative.
- Typed: The type system conveniently helps us control the shape of our routing
- Battery-Included (wip): Most common middlewares will be included out of the box
- built-in parsing of query params, body and route's dynamic segments
- built-in file uploading handling mechansim
- fast route matching (see Benchmarks)
- handlers are functions that take requests as input and return responses as output
- middlewares can be combined on per-route basis
- an HTTP response is just an object containing at least
- declarative route descriptions make them easily composable
- functional handlers are more natural fit for the HTTP flow
- common request/response transformations are already built-in
- typed routes make it easier to discover and control the shape of data flowing in and out
Generate a new Retes app using create-retes-app
. This will set up automatically the required project structure for you.
pnpm create retes-app my-retes-app
# or
yarn create retes-app my-retes-app
# or
npx create-retes-app@latest my-retes-app
Once the project is created, install its dependencies:
cd my-retes-app
pnpm install
# or
# or
npm install
Finally, start the application
pnpm start
The server application listens on the specified port, in our case :3000
. Open localhost:3000 and test the routes.
Retes combines requests' query params, body params and segment params into params
import { Response, Route, ServerApp } from 'retes';
import { Created } from 'retes/response';
import { GET, POST } from 'retes/route';
const routes = [
GET('/query-params', ({ params }) => OK(params)),
POST('/body-form', ({ params }) => OK(params)),
POST('/body-json', () => OK(params)),
GET('/segment/:a/:b', ({ params }) => OK(params)),
async function main() {
const app = new ServerApp(routes);
await app.start(3000);
This GET
http :3000/query-params?a=1&b=2
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"a": "1",
"b": "2"
query with Content-Type
set to application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8
http --form :3000/body-form a:=1 b:=2
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"a": "1",
"b": "2"
query with Content-Type
set to application/json
http :3000/body-json a:=1 b:=2
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"a": 1,
"b": 2
This GET
http :3000/segment/1/2
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"a": "1",
"b": "2"
import { Response, Route, ServerApp } from 'retes';
import { Accepted, Created, InternalServerError, OK } from 'retes/response';
import { GET } from 'retes/route';
const routes = [
GET('/created', () => Created('payload')), // returns HTTP 201 Created
GET('/ok', () => OK('payload')), // returns HTTP 200 OK
GET('/accepted', () => Accepted('payload')), // returns HTTP 202 Accepted
GET('/internal-error', () => InternalServerError()), // returns HTTP 500 Internal Server Error
async function main() {
const app = new ServerApp(routes);
await app.start(3000);
import { ServerApp } from 'retes';
import { GET } from 'retes/route';
const { GET } = Route;
const prepend = next => request => `prepend - ${next()}`;
const append = next => request => `${next()} - append`;
const routes = [
GET('/middleware', () => 'Hello, Middlewares', {
middleware: [prepend, append],
}), // equivalent to: prepend(append(handler))
async function main() {
const app = new ServerApp(routes);
await app.start(3000);
- infer types for dynamic segments from routes using the string literals feature from TypeScript 4.1 (in progress PR #1)