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start debugging issues with match merge
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TimWhiting committed Jun 18, 2024
1 parent d910d79 commit c13d775
Showing 1 changed file with 90 additions and 62 deletions.
152 changes: 90 additions & 62 deletions src/Core/MatchMerge.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ import qualified Core.Core as Core
import Core.Pretty
import Core.CoreVar
import Core.Uniquefy
import Data.List (intercalate)

trace s x =
Lib.Trace.trace s
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -67,31 +68,52 @@ matchMergeExpr body
-- else return $ Case exprs branches
_ -> return body

-- Takes a set of branches, and transforms them by merging branches that have some shared superstructure.
-- Returns the new branch structure and whether any changes were made
mergeBranches :: [Branch] -> Unique ([Branch], Bool)
-- No branches, no changes
mergeBranches [] = return ([], False)
-- Branch with constructor pattern, try to merge it with the rest
mergeBranches branches@(b@(Branch [pat@PatCon{patConPatterns=ps}] _): rst)
= do
splitted <- splitBranchConstructors b rst
case splitted of
-- Single branch, return itself unchanged
([b], [], err, pat') -> return ([b], False)
-- Single branch shares structure, rest do not, merge the rest and append
([b], rst, err, pat') ->
(rest, v) <- mergeBranches rst
return (b:rest, v)
-- Multiple branches share structure
(bs, rst, err, pat') ->
trace ("mergeBranches:\n" ++ intercalate "\n" (map (show . branchPatterns) bs) ++ "\n with common superstructure:\n" ++ show pat' ++ "\n\n") $ return ()
vars' = collectVars pat'
varsMatch = [Var tn InfoNone | tn <- vars']
(rest, v) <- mergeBranches rst
(newBranches, innerV) <- mergeBranches $ map (stripOuterConstructors pat') bs ++ maybeToList (fmap (generalErrorBranch) err) -- Add back error to sub branches
return (Branch [pat'] [Guard exprTrue (Case varsMatch newBranches)] : rest, True)
vars' = collectPatsVars pat' -- Collect the variables introduced by the shared structure
varsMatch = [Var tn InfoNone | tn <- vars'] -- Create expressions for those vars
-- Get rid of the common superstructure from the branches that share superstructure
-- Also add the implicit error branch if it exists
subBranches = map (stripOuterConstructors pat') bs ++ maybeToList err
(newSubBranches, innerV) <- mergeBranches subBranches
(rest, v) <- mergeBranches rst -- Merge the branches that do not share structure with the current set
-- Replace the set of common branches, with a single branch that matches on the shared superstructure, and delegates
-- to another case expression to distinguish between the different substructures
return (Branch pat' [Guard exprTrue (Case varsMatch newSubBranches)] : rest, True)
-- Default (non-constructor patterns), just merge the rest, and add the first branch back
mergeBranches (b:bs) = mergeBranches bs >>= (\(bs', v) -> return (b:bs', v))
-- TODO: Add support for var patterns
-- TODO: Add support for branches with multiple patterns

-- Collects the vars from a pattern in a canonical order (instead of fvs which uses sets)
collectPatsVars :: [Pattern] -> [TName]
collectPatsVars = concatMap collectVars

collectVars :: Pattern -> [TName]
collectVars p
= case p of
PatVar name _ -> [name]
PatVar name PatWild -> [name]
PatVar name pt -> collectVars pt
PatCon{patConPatterns = ps} -> concatMap collectVars ps
_ -> []

Expand All @@ -101,12 +123,12 @@ collectVars p
-- - a possible (implicit error) branch found
-- - and the pattern that unifies the matched branches
-- Greedily in order processing, The first branch is the branch under consideration and the others are the next parameter
splitBranchConstructors :: Branch -> [Branch] -> Unique ([Branch], [Branch], Maybe Branch, Pattern)
splitBranchConstructors b@(Branch [p] _) branches =
splitBranchConstructors :: Branch -> [Branch] -> Unique ([Branch], [Branch], Maybe Branch, [Pattern])
splitBranchConstructors b@(Branch ps _) branches =
case branches of
-- Only one branch, it matches it's own pattern
[] -> return ([b], [], if isErrorBranch b then Just b else Nothing, p)
b'@(Branch [p'] _):bs ->
[] -> return ([b], [], if isErrorBranch b then Just b else Nothing, ps)
b'@(Branch ps' _):bs ->
-- First do the rest other than b'
(bs', bs2', e, accP) <- splitBranchConstructors b bs
Expand All @@ -116,19 +138,30 @@ splitBranchConstructors b@(Branch [p] _) branches =
(_, b') | isErrorBranch b' -> Just b' -- b' is the error branch
_ -> Nothing -- no error branch
-- Acumulated pattern and p'
patNew <- patternsMatch accP p'
case patNew of
patNew <- zipWithM patternsMatch accP ps'
if not $ isSimpleMatches patNew then
-- Restrict the pattern to the smallest that matches multiple branches
-- Add the new branch to the list of branches that match partially
Just p | not (isPatWild p) -> return (bs' ++ [b'], bs2', newError, p)
trace ("splitConstructors:\n" ++ show accP ++ "\nand\n" ++ show ps' ++ "\n have common superstructure:\n" ++ show patNew ++ "\n\n")
$ return (bs' ++ [b'], bs2', newError, patNew)
-- Didn't match the current branch, keep the old pattern
-- Add the new branch to the list of branches that don't match any subpattern
_ -> return (bs', b':bs2', newError, accP)
else return (bs', b':bs2', newError, accP)

isPatWild :: Pattern -> Bool
isPatWild PatWild = True
isPatWild _ = False

isSimpleMatches :: [Pattern] -> Bool
isSimpleMatches = all isSimpleMatch

isSimpleMatch :: Pattern -> Bool
isSimpleMatch p =
case p of
PatVar _ p -> isSimpleMatch p
PatWild -> True
_ -> False

-- Checks to see if the branch is an error branch
isErrorBranch:: Branch -> Bool
isErrorBranch (Branch _ [Guard _ (App (TypeApp (Var name _) _) _)]) = getName name == namePatternMatchError
Expand All @@ -138,66 +171,56 @@ generalErrorBranch:: Branch -> Branch
generalErrorBranch b@(Branch p g) | isErrorBranch b = Branch [PatWild] g
generalErrorBranch b = b

-- Returns largest common subpattern, with variables added where needed
patternsMatch :: Pattern -> Pattern -> Unique (Maybe Pattern)
-- Returns largest common pattern superstructure, with variables added where needed
patternsMatch :: Pattern -> Pattern -> Unique Pattern
patternsMatch p p'
= case (p, p') of
(PatLit l1, PatLit l2) -> if l1 == l2 then return (Just p) else newVarName >>= \name -> return $ Just $ PatVar (TName name (typeOf l1)) PatWild
(PatVar tn1 v1, PatVar tn2 v2) | tn1 == tn2 -> do
(PatLit l1, PatLit l2) ->
if l1 == l2 then return p -- Literals that match, just match the literal
else do -- Match a variable of the literal's type
name <- newVarName
return $ PatVar (TName name (typeOf l1)) PatWild
(PatVar tn1 v1, PatVar tn2 v2) | tn1 == tn2 -> do
-- Same pattern variable, reuse the variable name, but find common substructure
sub <- patternsMatch v1 v2
case sub of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just sub -> return $ Just $ PatVar tn1 sub
return $ PatVar tn1 sub
(PatVar tn1 v1, PatVar tn2 v2) -> do
-- Variables that don't match name, but (should match types because of type checking)
-- Create a common name to match for
name <- newVarName
sub <- patternsMatch v1 v2
case sub of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just sub -> return $ Just $ PatVar (TName name (typeOf tn1)) sub
(PatWild, PatWild) -> return $ Just PatWild
return $ PatVar (TName name (typeOf tn1)) sub
(PatWild, PatWild) -> return PatWild -- Wilds match trivially
(PatCon name1 patterns1 cr targs1 exists1 res1 ci sk, PatCon name2 patterns2 _ targs2 exists2 res2 _ _) ->
if -- Same constructor (name, and types) -- types should match due to type checking, but names could differ
name1 == name2 &&
targs1 == targs2 &&
exists1 == exists2 &&
res1 == res2
then do
subs <- mapM orVar (zip3 patterns1 patterns2 targs1)
return $ Just $ PatCon name1 subs cr targs1 exists1 res1 ci sk
else return Nothing
then do
-- Same constructor, match substructure
subs <- zipWithM patternsMatch patterns1 patterns2
return $ PatCon name1 subs cr targs1 exists1 res1 ci sk
else do
name <- newVarName
return $ PatVar (TName name res1) PatWild -- Different constructors, no match
(PatVar tn pat, _) -> do
name <- newVarName
return $ Just $ PatVar (TName name (typeOf tn)) PatWild
sub <- patternsMatch pat p'
return $ PatVar tn sub
(_, PatVar tn pat) -> do
name <- newVarName
return $ Just $ PatVar (TName name (typeOf tn)) PatWild
(_, PatWild) -> return $ Just PatWild
(PatWild, _) -> return $ Just PatWild
(_, _) -> return Nothing
orVar (p1,p2,t) = do
v <- patternsMatch p1 p2
case v of
Nothing -> do
name <- newVarName
return $ PatVar (TName name t) PatWild
Just x -> return x
newVarName = uniqueId "case" >>= (\id -> return $ newHiddenName ("case" ++ show id))
sub <- patternsMatch p pat
return $ PatVar tn sub
(_, PatWild) -> return PatWild
(PatWild, _) -> return PatWild
(_, _) -> failure $ "patternsMatch: " ++ show p ++ " " ++ show p' ++ " "
where newVarName = uniqueId "case" >>= (\id -> return $ newHiddenName ("case" ++ show id))

-- Strip the outer constructors and propagate variable substitution into branch expressions
stripOuterConstructors :: Pattern -> Branch -> Branch
stripOuterConstructors template (Branch [pt] exprs)
= -- trace ("Using template\n" ++ show template ++ "\nand outer subpattern from\n" ++ show pt ++ "\ngot:\n" ++ show (patNew, replaceMap) ++ "\n") $
Branch (fromMaybe [PatWild] patNew) $ map replaceInGuard exprs
stripOuterConstructors :: [Pattern] -> Branch -> Branch
stripOuterConstructors templates (Branch pts exprs)
= trace ("Using template\n" ++ show templates ++ "\nand outer subpattern from\n" ++ show pts ++ "\ngot:\n" ++ show (patNew, replaceMap) ++ "\n") $
Branch (concatMap (fromMaybe [PatWild]) patNew) $ map replaceInGuard exprs
replaceInPattern :: Pattern -> Pattern
replaceInPattern p
= case p of
PatVar name _ -> case lookup name replaceMap of
Just (Var name info) -> PatVar name PatWild
_ -> p
PatCon name patterns cr targs exists res ci sk -> PatCon name (map replaceInPattern patterns) cr targs exists res ci sk
_ -> p
replaceInGuard (Guard tst expr)
= Guard (rewriteBottomUp replaceInExpr tst) (rewriteBottomUp replaceInExpr expr)
replaceInExpr :: Expr -> Expr
Expand All @@ -207,23 +230,28 @@ stripOuterConstructors template (Branch [pt] exprs)
Just (Var name info) -> Var name info
_ -> e
e' -> e'
(patNew, replaceMap) = getReplaceMap template pt
(patNew, replaceMaps) = unzip $ zipWith getReplaceMap templates pts
replaceMap = concat replaceMaps

-- Get the new pattern that differs from the old pattern and the subsitution map
getReplaceMap :: Pattern -> Pattern -> (Maybe [Pattern], [(TName, Expr)])
getReplaceMap template p'
= case (template, p') of
(PatLit l1, PatLit l2) -> (Nothing, [])
(PatVar tn1 v1, PatVar tn2 v2) | tn1 == tn2 ->
let (pat', rp) = getReplaceMap v1 v2
in (pat', rp)
(PatVar tn1 v1, PatVar tn2 v2) ->
let (pat', rp) = getReplaceMap v1 v2
in (pat', (tn2, Var tn1 InfoNone):rp)
(PatWild, PatWild) -> (Nothing, [])
(PatCon name1 patterns1 cr targs1 exists1 res1 ci _, PatCon name2 patterns2 _ targs2 exists2 res2 _ sk) ->
let res = map (\(p1,p2) -> getReplaceMap p1 p2) (zip patterns1 patterns2)
let res = zipWith getReplaceMap patterns1 patterns2
(patterns', replaceMaps) = unzip res
replaceMap = concat replaceMaps
in (Just (concatMap (\m -> (fromMaybe [PatWild] m)) patterns'), replaceMap)
in (Just (concatMap (fromMaybe []) patterns'), replaceMap)
(PatVar tn PatWild, pat2) -> (Just [pat2], [])
(PatVar tn pat, pat2) -> getReplaceMap pat pat2
(pat, PatVar tn pat2) -> getReplaceMap pat pat2
(PatWild, pat2) -> (Just [pat2], [])
_ -> failure $ "getReplaceMap: " ++ show template ++ " " ++ show p'
_ -> failure $ "\ngetReplaceMap:\n" ++ show template ++ "\n:" ++ show p' ++ "\n"

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