Sign Me Up! is be a web application for organizations that rely on volutneers. We are making a platform to track volunteer hours and make signing up for open spots.
- Organizations
- Track Volunteers who have volunteered
- Hours, Reliability, frequency etc
- Add hours needed and expose to volunteers
- Send and receive messages with volunteers
- Handle shift reminders/smart scheduling
- Track Volunteers who have volunteered
- Volunteers
- Show organization(s) that volunteer too
- Allow to fill out time slots
- Send and receive messages between organization
- Sign up for recurring events
Just fork the repo, check out the issues, fix what is needed and send a pull request. Your contributions are welcome!
Weeks 1-2: Finalize stack, get more detailed requirements, setup frameworks, start mock-up of front end
Weeks 3-5: Get core functionality working: calendar and choosing available times, admin console, basic notification and approval, dynamic signup form
Weeks 6-8: Different sign up methods - time frame available, min/max hours, contiguious/multiple days, ect. Algorithms for different sign-up methods and minimizing conflicts. Admin editing of signups, and running the algos with user changes/confirmations. Recurring signups
Weeks 9-11: Stats on people and reliability. Data on days/events/groups. Custom notifications, emergency decline&fill, custom weights (age group, group size, regulars, ect).
Weeks 12-15: Cleanup of ui, save to calendar/integrate google cal, signin sheet / signin pass, auto-fill service report & waivers, organization customizations, logins, default configurations, general cleanup and documentation.