A MessagePack Library for Zig
- Zero allocations.
- Zero encoding errors.
- Simple control flow.
- All messages validated for you.
A simple API:
Combines with your definition of your message structure:
const CustomerComplaint = struct {
user_id: u64,
status: enum(u8) {
Zig Type | MessagePack Type |
bool |
bool |
null |
nil |
u3 ,u45 , i6 |
integer |
?T |
nil or T |
enum |
integer |
[N]T |
N length array of T |
[N:x]T |
N+1 length array of T ending in x |
[N]u8 |
str |
@Vector(N, T) |
N length array of T |
struct |
map, str: field value |
union (enum) |
map (single key-value pair) |
[]T |
N length array of T |
[:x]T |
N + 1 length array of T ending in x |
[]u8 |
str |
[:x]u8 |
str ending in x |
*T |
T |
is the default MessagePack type for[]u8
because it is the smallest for short slices.
Unsupported types:
Zig Type | Reason |
union (untagged) |
Decoding cannot determine active field, and neither can you. |
error |
I can add this, if someone asks. Perhaps as str ? |
Note: pointer types require allocation to decode.
You can customize how types are formatted in message pack:
Zig Type | Available Encodings |
enum |
string, int |
[]u8 ,[N]u8 , @Vector(N, u8) |
string, int, array |
struct |
map, array |
union (enum) |
map (single key-value pair), active field |
See examples for how to do it.
const std = @import("std");
const lizpack = @import("lizpack");
test {
const CustomerComplaint = struct {
user_id: u64,
status: enum(u8) {
var out: [1000]u8 = undefined;
const expected: CustomerComplaint = .{ .user_id = 2345, .status = .reviewed };
const slice: []u8 = try lizpack.encode(expected, &out, .{});
try std.testing.expectEqual(expected, lizpack.decode(@TypeOf(expected), slice, .{}));
More examples can be found in examples/.
To add lizpack to your project as a dependency, run:
zig fetch --save git+https://github.com/kj4tmp/lizpack
Then add the following to your build.zig:
// assuming you have an existing executable called `exe`
const lizpack = b.dependency("lizpack", .{
.target = target,
.optimize = optimize,
exe.root_module.addImport("lizpack", lizpack.module("lizpack"));
And import the library to begin using it:
const lizpack = @import("lizpack");